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Interest is calculated using the FERCs monthly interest rates compounded quarterly. See link for rates:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ferc.gov/legal/acct-matts/interest-rates.asp#skipnavsub" http://www.ferc.gov/legal/acct-matts/interest-rates.asp#skipnavsub FERCs year runs from January through December therefore the quarter-ends are March, June, September, and December. To calculate interest, take the Principal Balance multiplied by the monthly interest rate. At the end of a quarter, add the interest for the months calculated within that quarter to the Principal Balance (Principal amount for interest calculation will change each quarter). This becomes the new Principal Balance for the following quarter. Below is an example: Principal Balance - $100,000 Calculation period is August 15th to December 21st. FERC Monthly Interest Rates: Aug .0066 Sep .0064 Oct .0069 Nov .0067 Dec .0069 August ($100,000 * .0066)/31 days * 15days = $319.35 of interest September ($100,000 * .0064)/30 days * 30 days = $640.00 September is the end of a quarter therefore the interest above is added to the Principal Balance for October - $100,959.35. October ($100,959.35 * .0069)/31 days * 31 days = $696.62 November ($100,959.35 * .0067)/30 days * 30 days = $676.43 December ($100,959.35 * .0069)/31 days * 21 days = $471.90 Total Interest Due on December 21st = $2,804.30 The timeline for the ROE interest runs from the previous bill date to the date of the current ROE resettlement. Interest Rate Allocation Allocate the Interest to each participant: Determine the delta between the current settlement and the previous billed settlement by participant for the Charges and the Payments. Next, calculate the interest for Charges and Payments by prorating the delta of the participants by the pool delta times the interest amount. Finally net the Interest amount calculated for Charges and Payments. RNS RNSC MIS Reports RNSC delta by participant = Current Month [Net Regional Network Service Dollars] Minus (-) Previous Billed Month [Net Regional Network Service Dollars] RNS pool delta = The sum of participants delta RNS Interest allocation by participant for RNSC = Pool RNS interest value Times (*) (Participants Delta Divided by (/) RNS pool delta) RNSP MIS Reports RNSP delta by participant = Current Month [Net Regional Network Service Dollars] Minus (-) Previous Billed Month [Net Regional Network Service Dollars] RNS pool delta = The sum of participants delta RNS Interest allocation by participant for RNSP = Pool RNS interest value Times (*) (Participants Delta Divided by (/) RNS pool delta) RNS Interest = Net of RNSC and RNSP Interest allocation TOUT TOUTC MIS Reports TOUTC delta by participant = Current Month [Net TOUT Dollars] Minus (-) Previous Billed Month [Net TOUT Dollars] TOUT pool delta = The sum of participants delta TOUT Interest allocation by participant for TOUTC = Pool TOUT interest value Times (*) (Participants Delta Divided by (/) TOUT pool delta) TOUTP MIS Reports TOUTP delta by participant = Current Month [Net TOUT Dollars] Minus (-) Previous Billed Month [Net TOUT Dollars] TOUT pool delta = The sum of participants delta TOUT Interest allocation by participant for TOUTP = Pool RNS interest value Times (*) (Participants Delta Divided by (/) TOUT pool delta) TOUT Interest = Net of TOUTC and TOUTP Interest allocation     ()+.Lxy    ˾˭}rjr_TI>h~XhCJaJh~XhW CJaJh~XhZ0CJaJh~Xh6CJaJh~CJaJh~XhZ0CJaJh~XhZCJaJ hLThZ0CJOJQJ^JaJ&hLThZ05>*CJOJQJ^JaJ hLThW CJOJQJ^JaJhFhCSDCJ^JaJhFhW CJ^JaJhLThW CJOJQJaJhFhc'5OJQJhFhW 5OJQJ)*+xy    r | / 9 { |  gd@$c & FgdEo^gd'9x & FgdEo@&gdZgd'9x $@&a$gdZ   * + r y z { / 6 7 8 { |    % ) P f }rrfWjh~Xh'9xCJUaJh~Xh'9x5CJaJh~Xh CCJaJ hLTh'9xCJOJQJ^JaJ&hLTh'9x5>*CJOJQJ^JaJ hLTh@$cCJOJQJ^JaJh~Xh@$cCJaJh~Xh{CJaJh~XhW CJaJh~XhKCJaJh~Xh'9xCJaJh~XhEoCJaJh~XhCSDCJaJ ' ( * + -a:0n@&gdZ^gd~X @&^gd~Xgd'9x ( ) ] ^ g h LN]_(ƻƻƻƻƻƳƧƧƳƳƜƳƳƳƻƻƧƑ}&hFh'9x5>*CJOJQJ^JaJh~Xh@$cCJaJh~Xh~XCJaJh~Xh'9xCJH*aJh~XCJaJh~XhEoCJaJh~Xh'9xCJaJh~Xh'9x0JCJaJjh~Xh'9xCJUaJ#jh~Xh'9xCJUaJ-)T)fgxgdK & FgdM p`^p``gdo & Fgdo^gd} Wp^pgdo & Fgdogdo & Fgd%Sgd'9xgd@$c@&gdZ()RSTUgpt(f仰ƚ|tmfbfWh~XhDRCJaJho h~Xh%S h~Xhh>hoCJaJh~XhCJaJh~XhPCJaJhCJaJh~Xh[\CJaJh~XhhICJaJh~Xh%SCJaJh~Xh}CJaJh~XhKCJaJh~Xh{CJaJhiuCJaJh~Xh CCJaJ hFh'9xCJOJQJ^JaJ"fuv "#-./23EF_ 9BHIcdpqrככ h~XhiuhM h~XhMhKCJaJh~XhqLaCJaJhqLaCJaJh~Xh[\CJaJh~XhKCJaJhMCJaJh~XhMCJaJh~XhDRCJaJh~Xh} WCJaJ:/B_Ean & FgdM  & F8^8gdiugdM p`^p``gdM & FgdM^gdMp^pgdM & FgdMgdMgd[\gdK>Hqr?Sq2gdM p`^p``gdM & FgdM^gdMp^pgdM & FgdMgdM/3cgrv   .2>?DSXq%/56PQ]^_m˺ h~XhW CJOJQJ^JaJh~XhKCJaJh~fh~fCJaJhMCJaJh~XhMCJaJhM h~XhMF2N[gd'9x  & F8^8gdKgdMgdM h~XhW CJOJQJ^JaJhQjhQU 21h:pF/ =!"#$% 21h:pF/ =!"#$% DyK Chttp://www.ferc.gov/legal/acct-matts/interest-rates.asp#skipnavsubyK phttp://www.ferc.gov/legal/acct-matts/interest-rates.asp skipnavsub@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List 6U@6 '9x Hyperlink >*B*phZYZ Z Document Map-D M CJOJQJ^JaJH@H LT Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJNO"N EoText Bullet Indent x1  & F:O2: DR Text Bullet  & F4 @B4 ~XFooter  !.)@Q. ~X Page NumberB'aB h>Comment ReferenceCJaJ<r< h> Comment TextCJaJ@jqr@ h>Comment Subject5\646)*+xyr|/9{|'(*+-a:0n  ) T  ) f g x / B _   E a n >Hqr?Sq2N[0000000y0y 0y0y0y0y0y0y 0y0y0y0y0y0y0y0y00000000000000000000000000000000 00  0  0   0 0 0 0 0  0  0 0  0  0 0 0  0   0 @0 @0 @0 @0  09  @0 @0  09  @0 @0 0  000  0  0 0 0 @0 0 @0  0^  @0 @0  0^  0 @0 0  0 0 0 @0 0 @0  0 @0 @0  0 @0 @0 0  000@0h00@0h00@0h00@0h00h00)*+xyr|/9{|'(*+-a:0n  ) T  ) f g x / B _   E a n >Hqr?Sq2N[0000000y0y@ 0y@0y@0y@0y@0y@0y@ 0y@0y@0y@0y@0y@0y@0y@0y@0@0@0@0@0@0@0h00=@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0h0(Q@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0x@0x@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0y@0y@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0y@0y@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0y@0y@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0y@0y@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0@0  (f  2(X8@0(  B S  ? 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