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The Financial Assurance Management (FAM) application maintains each customer's financial position, including requirements for financial assurance and market obligations. The Demand Resource Market User Interface (DR MUI) is used to submit availability and telemetry data for Demand Resources in the Forward Capacity Market. The Control Room Operations Window (CROW) Outage Scheduler is used by Local Control Centers (LCC) to submit transmission outage requests and Transmission Owners to view the transmission outages that impact their equipment.The Forward Capacity Auction application is for Lead Participants of qualified capacity resources to participate in the Forward Capacity Auction (FCA) for specific Capacity Commitment Periods.,FCM Supplemental Availability Designation UI%Supplemental Availability DesignationThe Supplemental Availability Designation user interface is for Lead Participants to designate resources as Supplemental Capacity Resources in the Forward Capacity Market./Forward Capacity Market CSO Bilateral ContractsView Submit OnlyCROW Gen User Role SBOXDR Audit and Testing ToolAsk ISOwThe DR Audit and Testing Tool is used for the submittal, scheduling and maintenance of Demand Resource seasonal audits.Ask ISO is a user interface for market participants to submit questions, requests and registration forms, (all classified as Issues in Ask ISO) directly to Customer Support.eMarket Regulation Read OnlyRegulation Read/WriteNX ExtReadOnlyNX ExtAppvReadOnlyNX ExtNX9AdminNX ExtNX9ComplianceNX AppvReadOnlyNX ExtNotifyNXAppvNX NotifyNXApprovedNX ExtNotifyInEMSNX NotifyInEMSCROW Gen User RoleCEII Materials External Access#Market Information Materials Access&Reliability Committee Materials AccessA&TTExternal MEC MaintainerExternal MEC Viewer Claimed Capability Auditing ToolExternal CCA Audit ViewerExternal CCA Audit Maintainer$Customer and Asset Management System NX Application (NX-9 and NX-12D) PowerGADSThe Claimed Capability Auditing Tool is used by Lead Participants of generator assets to request audits, submit audit records, and view audit results and audit windows.Generating Availability Data System (GADS) data is used to determine the generator's Equivalent Forced Outage Rate on Demand (EFORd) for use in capacity planning and reliability studies.Lead Participant Maintainer"Demand Designated Entity Read OnlyLead Participant Read Only"Energy Efficiency Measure DatabaseExternal Asset Viewer,Energy Efficiency Measure Database - SandboxExternal EEM MaintainerExternal EEM ViewerThe Energy Efficiency Measure Database is a user interface for Lead Participants to create, view and edit their energy efficiency measure information. The sandbox environment allows Lead Participants to develop and test scripts that take advantage of the available web services.LCC Vision LearningCCustomer and Asset Management System (CAMS) Application Group Roles&Demand Resource Market User Interface LCCVISION6CROW Gen User Role CROW Participant Role CROW LCC RoleMISWPF Webservices - WPLPECROW Gen User Role SBOX CROW Participant Role SBox CROW LCC Role SBOXSandBox Demand Response MUI -Energy Efficiency Measure Database - Sandbox SMS Sandbox!NX912D Major TO NX912D Other Cust1NX912D Major TO Sandbox NX912D Other Cust SandboxAExternal Transactions JESS at NYISO (application hosted by NYISO)Access ControlDigital Certificatemisftp.iso-ne.comSecure FTP Client ID/Password ISO-NE issued log-in credentials NERC portal Badge AccessWPF Webservices End PointsISO-NE issued access approvalISO-NE badging process%CEII Request Form Digital Certificate5ISO-NE secure email ISO-NE.com website committee pagemCEII Document Administration Tool (discrete requests) ISO-NE.com website committee page (committee materials)The Customer and Asset Management System (CAMS) is used by ISO-NE as the system of record for asset and customer data, the management of customer file share and application access.RPowerAuctions website. Link provided to approved users at the time of the auctionThe NX Application (NX-9 & NX-12D) application supports the processes associated with administration and maintenance of the NX-9 and NX12D forms. When assigning roles in CAMS, Security Administrators will see the name of the NX Application represented differently, based on their organization s needs and function. Consequently, not all of the roles listed here will be available for selection. The application group name in CAMS will be one of the following: " NX912D Major TO Sandbox " NX912D Other Cust SandboxThe NX Application (NX-9 & NX-12D) application supports the proces< ses associated with administration and maintenance of the NX-9 and NX12D forms. When assigning roles in CAMS, Security Administrators will see the name of the NX Application represented differently, based on their organization s needs and function. Consequently, not all of the roles listed here will be available for selection. The application group name in CAMS will be one of the following: " NX912D Major TO " NX912D Other CustCEII Materials External Access allows individuals with a valid digital certificate to view various NEPOOL committee material posted on the ISO-NE website.Each application is unique and used for submittal of data to be used in the settlement of various markets. Roles for a SMS application on the SMD Applications Home Page will also allow access to the corresponding SMS application on the SMD Applications Sandbox Home Page.N/AZ Badge Access assignment is required for physical access to ILink to documentation or account user ID and password delivered via emailDynamic Data Management System%ISO-NE.com Web Services Data web pageSandbox SMD Home Page SMD Home PageSMD Home Page, left side menu+SMD Home Page SMD Home Page, left side menuThe Dynamic Data Management System (DDMS) is used by owners of certain power grid equipment to provide information about the physical and operational characteristics of their power system equipmentyMarket paticipants must access Market Information Server (MIS) reports to view their invoices and market activity reportsCITRIX Sharefile DDEDDE UserBase Case Working groupIntercontrol Center ProtocolShort Circuit Working Group System Restoration Working GroupVoltage Task ForceCITRIX Sharefile LCCCITRIX Sharefile TO`Critical Energy Infrastructure Information File Group (located on the "File Shares" tab in CAMS)[LCC Vision Learning is used to deliver training and exams to Local Control Center operatorsCROW LCC Role SboxCROW Participant Role SBoxExternal Banking AdminExternal Banking ViewerDDMS Compliance OfficerLCC CSV Download App"LCC - Access to download csv files#LCC Access to Focus Vision SoftwareNX Ext12DAdminSandbox WPF WebServices - WPLPWP LP Read OnlyWP LP Read WriteWL LP Read OnlyWL LP Read WriteEMS Network Model Working GrouplRead/write access for a single user responsible for submitting changes to the customer's banking informationCommittee Badge Access?Access to training and exams for Local Control Center operatorsSMS or SMS Sandbox.NX912D Other Cust or NX912D Other Cust Sandbox'NX912D Major TO NX912D Major TO SandboxWind Power Forecast (WPF) Webservices access allows wind power lead participants to download wind forecast data and submit real time outage informationLRead access to Sandbox WPF WebServices - WPLP to download wind forecast datamRead/write access to Sandbox WPF WebServices - WPLP to submit real time outage information for wind resourcesDRead access to WPF WebServices - WPLP to download wind forecast dataeRead/write access to WPF WebServices - WPLP to submit real time outage information for wind resources8Corresponding Application Names (SMD home page or other)ODMSLCCView ODMSLCC SKMD DocumentsNRead-only access to the ODMSLCC application to view ISO-NE SOPs/OPs/MLCCs/TOGsThe ODMSLCC application is a read only search engine assigned to the Local Control Centers to access ISO-NE SOPs/OPs/MLCCs/TOGsExternal Banking ApproverkRead/write access for a single user responsible for approving changes to the customer's banking information;Market Information Server (no digital certificate required)*N/A (email request to custserv@iso-ne.com) External IMMAC MaintainerExternal IMMAC ViewergRead/write access allows the Lead Participant user to submit asset characteristics data change requestsORead-only access allows the Lead Participant user to view asset characteristicsMIS Transmission ProviderMIS Transmission Provider UserLCC OneLineAdminExternal ManagerGMD Working GroupCITRIX Sharefile Vendor Vendor UserTO OneLineAdminAccess to data studies for NERC Reliability Standard for Transmission System Planned Performance for Geomagnetic Disturbance Events, TPL-007-15Access to data shared with specified vendor companiesRProvides read/write access to all one-line data associated with or owned by the TO}Provides user with access to read all one-line data associated with the LCC and read/write all one-line data owned by the LCCExternal RTU Maintainer RoleUCitrix Sharefile LCC Citrix Sharefile TO Citrix Sharefile DDE Citrix Sharefile VendorMembers of certain task force groups, special committees, and certain vendors can access study data for analysis, meeting materials, or otherwise restricted data related to the committees on which they serve or work they perform for VLocal Control Center access to download Satellite information from the ISO-NE Web siteCritical Energy Infrastructure Information File Group access allows individuals with a valid digital certificate to view system diagramsoLocal Control Center/Main Control Center access to view restricted Satellite Information on the ISO-NE Web siteAccess Location&CAMS Application and File Shares Names%Application / File Shares DescriptionUser Name and Password5New England Control Area Cyber Security Working GrouptAccess study data for analysis and meeting materials for members of the NE Control Area Cyber Security Working GroupSystem Protection Working GroupMAccess to short circuit models for members of the Short Circuit Working GroupAccess to PSSE files for the Brightstart application to perform dynamic evaluations of the restoration plan for members of the System Restoration Working GroupoAccess system study data for analysis, meeting materials, and survey data for members of the Voltage Task ForcepAccess to files to perform evaluations of the protection plan for members of the System Protection Working Group DRR Read OnlyDRR Read/WriteSiemens PTI Model On Demand.PSS MOD External User - TO Data Submitter Role"Transmission RFP Response SoftwareQTPS TRRS AdministratorMIS Reports access for contents OCLMETER, METERADJ, RTHS, RTDOMAIN and RTUNMET for customers with an MIS account set to allow Transmission Reports AccessQualified Transmission Project Sponsors submit proposals for non-time sensitive transmission planning needs under Attachment K to the Open Access Transmission Tariff3Access to submit data to the network planning model0Transmission operators submit network model dataModel on DemandSecure Client ID/Password)Provided by Power System Model ManagementRead/write access to the eMarket application allows user to submit or modify Demand offers and Inc/Dec offers into the Day-Ahead Energy MarketRead-only access to the eMarket application allows user to view their company's Demand offers and Increment/Decrement offer data in the Day-Ahead Energy MarketzRead/write access to the eMarket application allows user to submit or modify their company's Asset Related Demand bid dataRead-only access to the eMarket application allows Lead Participant user to view their Generation Resource's bid data for the Day-Ahead Energy MarketRead/write access to the eMarket application allows Lead Participant user to submit or modify their company's Generation Resource's bid data for the Day-Ahead Energy MarketiRead-only access to the eMarket application allows user to view their Demand Response Resource's bid dataRead/write access to the eMarket application allows user to submit or modify their company's Demand Response Resou< rce's bid dataRead/write access to the eMarket Sandbox application allows user to submit Demand Bids, Inc/Dec Bids, and Load Response Offer data without any settlement implicationsRead-only access to the eMarket Sandbox application for user to view their Demand offers and Inc/Dec offer data without any settlement implicationsRead-only access to the eMarket Sandbox application allows Lead Participant to view their Generation Resource bid data without any settlement implicationsRead/write access to the eMarket Sandbox application allows Lead Participant to submit or modify their company's Generation Resource bid data without any settlement implicationsRead-only access to the eMarket Sandbox application allows user to view their company's offers in the Day-Ahead Load Response Program without any settlement implicationsRead/write access to the eMarket Sandbox application allows user submit offers in the Day-Ahead Load Response Program without any settlement implications|Read-only access to the eMarket application for user to view their company's bid data in the Day-Ahead Load Response ProgramRead/write access to the eMarket application allows user to submit or modify their company's bid in the Day-Ahead Load Response ProgramRead-only access to the eMarket application allows Lead Participant user to view their Regulation Resource's bid/offer data for the Regulation MarketRead/write access to the eMarket application allows Lead Participant user to submit or modify their company's Regulation Resource's bid/offer data for the Regulation MarketRead-only access to the eMarket Sandbox application for user to view their company's Asset Related Demand bid data without any settlement implicationsRead/write access to the eMarket Sandbox application allows user to submit or modify their company's Asset Related Demand bid data without any settlement implicationsRead-only access allows the DDE of a Demand Resource to view pertinent audit requests and results information in support of their role as the DDE for a resourceRead/write access allows Lead Participant to assign users who can view, submit and edit audit requests and review asset results informationXRead-only access allows users to view the relevant audit requests and asset results dataRead/write access to Ask ISO allows user to view all issues for a customer This access is granted to users selected to participant in the pilot program for this access typenRead access to view Markets Committee material classified as Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII){Read access to view Participant Advisory Committee material classified as Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII)rRead access to view Reliability Committee material classified as Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII)PAccess to OP2 Appendix A equipment data table for demand designated entity usersNAccess to base case planning models for members of the Base Case Working Group[Access to EMS model change documentation for members of the EMS Network Model Working GroupQAccess to OP2 Appendix A data table for intercontrol center protocol (ICCP) users}Access to engineering studies to evaluate performance of restoration plan for members of the System Restoration Working Group}Read/write access for Lead Participants to submit Seasonal CCAs, request Establish CCAs, and submit applicable operating dataYRead only access for user to view audit values and applicable audit windows and due datesRead access allows individuals with a valid digital certificate to view system diagrams classified as Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII)Read/write access for Lead Market Participant to use web services to upload generation outage requests to the CROW Outage Scheduler application User must also have the role of View All or View Submit Only and have a valid digital certificate Read-only access for Lead Market Participant to view the generation outages that impact their equipment in the CROW Outage Scheduler applicationRead/write access for Lead Market Participant to submit and view the generation outages that impact their equipment in the CROW Outage Scheduler applicationRead/write access for Lead Market Participant to use web services to upload generation outage requests to the CROW Outage Scheduler Sandbox application User must also have the role of View All or View Submit Only and have a valid digital certificate Read-only access for Lead Market Participant to view the generation outages in the CROW Outage Scheduler Sandbox application without having any operations or settlement implicationsRead/write access for Lead Market Participant to submit and view the generation outages in the CROW Outage Scheduler Sandbox application without having any operations or settlement implicationsRead/write access for LCC to use web services to upload transmission outage requests to CROW User must also have been granted the role of View All or View All Sub LCC and have a valid digital certificateVRead access for LCC to view all the long term transmission outage request data in CROWaRead/write access for LCC allows user to submit and view all transmission outage requests in CROWRead/write access for LCC to use web services to upload transmission outage requests to CROW in the Sandbox without having any operations or settlement implications User must also have been granted the role of View All or View All Sub LCC and have a valid digital certificateRead access for LCC to view all transmission outage request data in the CROW Sandbox application without having any operations or settlement implicationsRead/write access for LCC allows user to submit and view all transmission outages to the CROW Sandbox application without having any operations or settlement implicationsRead/write access for Transmission Owner to use web services to upload transmission outage requests to CROW User must also have the role of View All or View Sub Only and have a valid digital certificate Read-only access for Transmission Owner to view the transmission outages in the CROW Outage Scheduler that impact their equipment}Read/write access for Transmission Owner to submit and view the transmission outage data in CROW that impacts their equipmentRead/write access for Transmission Operator to use web services to upload transmission outage requests to the CROW Outage Scheduler Sandbox application User must also have the role of View All or View Sub Only and have a valid digital certificate Read-only access for Transmission Operator to view the transmission outages in the CROW Sandbox application that impact their equipment without any operational or settlement implicationsRead/write access for Transmission Operator to submit or view transmission outage request data in the CROW Sandbox application without any operational or settlement implications sRead-only access for users to view customer banking information Account numbers are paritally masked for this roleRead/write access to enter and modify company data such as uploading minimum eligibility criteria documents, committee contacts, person contacts, affiliates, addresses, subaccounts, and DR to RTU mappingRead-only access to view submitted MEC documentation, committee contacts, person contacts, affiliates, addresses, subaccounts, and DR to RTU mappingcRead/write access to upload company minimum eligibility criteria documentation mandated by the FERCKRead-only access to view company minimum eligibility criteria documentationIRead/write access to enter and modify Person information such as contact information, assigning committee members and maintaining person contact types The person maintainer may also view application access and certificate records Only SAs can create person records, assign application access, or administer digital certificates3Read-only access to view company Person information@The Security Administrator (SA) is responsible for creating person records, assigning user permissions and roles, and administer digital certificates The SA CAMS role is only granted to individuals that have been designat< ed by a company officer by submitting an original, notarized Security Administrator Signatory PageTRead-only access to the DR MUI for DDE user to query data for their Demand Resources{Read/write access to the DR MUI for Demand Designated Entity (DDE) user to submit and query data for their Demand ResourcesaRead-only access to the DR MUI for Lead Participant user to query data for their Demand ResourcesmRead/write access to the DR MUI for Lead Participant user to submit and query data for their Demand ResourcescRead-only access to the DR MUI for Meter Reader to query asset telemetry for their Demand ResourceskRead/write access to the DR MUI for Meter Reader to submit telemetry corrections for their Demand ResourcesRead/Write access to provide information about the physical and operational characteristics of power system equipment The user that is assigned this role is not required to be a company officerLRead-only access to the Public and Private Web Pages in the eFTR applicationRead/write access to the Public and Private Web Pages in the eFTR application for user to actively participate in the FTR Market and view FTR Auction resultsURead-only access to the Public and Private Web Pages in the eFTR Sandbox application Read/write access to the Public and Private Web Pages in the eFTR Sandbox application allows user to submit data to the eFTR Sandbox application without having any FTR Market or settlement implications kRead-only access to the eMarket application for user to view their company's Asset Related Demand bid data Read-only access to the eMarket Sandbox application allows Lead Participant user to view their Regulation Resource's bid/offer data for the Regulation Market without any operational or settlement or implications Read/write access to the eMarket Sandbox application allows Lead Participant user to submit or modify their company's Regulation Resource's bid/offer data for the Regulation Market without any operational or settlement or implications Read/write access to the Energy Efficiency Measure Database application allows the Lead Participant user to create, view and edit their energy efficiency measure information via either the user interface or web services Read-only access to the Energy Efficiency Measure Database application allows the Lead Participant user to view their energy efficiency measure information via either the user interface or web servicesRead/write access to the Energy Efficiency Measure Database Sandbox application allows the Lead Participant user to create, view and edit their energy efficiency measure information and test related web services code within the sandbox environmentRead-only access to the Energy Efficiency Measure Database Sandbox application allows the Lead Participant user to view their energy efficiency measure information and access web services in the sandbox environmentRead/write access to the Forward Capacity Market CSO Bilateral Contracts application allows user to submit or view bilateral contracts transferring Capacity Supply Obligations (CSO) for specific FCM Capacity Commitment PeriodsRead-only access to the Forward Capacity Market CSO Bilateral Contracts application for users to review their company's bilateral contract information for specific FCM Capacity Commitment PeriodsRead/write access to the Forward Capacity Market Reconfiguration Auction application allows user to submit bids and offers in the Forward Capacity Reconfiguration Auction processRead-only access to the Forward Capacity Market Reconfiguration Auction application allows user to review their company's Forward Capacity Reconfiguration Auction dataRead/write access to the Supplemental Availability Designation user interface for the Lead Participant user to submit, update or deleted their resource's designation as a Supplemental Capacity Resource Read-only access to the Supplemental Availability Designation user interface for the Lead Participant user to view the Supplemental Capacity Resource designations for their resources SRead-only access to FAM for customers to review their company's financial position Read/write access to the Forward Capacity Auction application allows Lead Participants of qualified capacity resources to participate in the FCA Read/write access to the Forward Capacity Tracking System application allows user to enter and modify their company's resource data related to the FCMRead-only access to the Forward Capacity Tracking System application allows user to review their company's resource data related to the FCMRequired for committee member physical access to the facility Voting members and alternates of the NEPOOL Participants, Markets, Reliability, and Transmission Committees are permitted accessWLocal Control Center access to download Satellite information from the ISO-NE Web site jRead-only access for Local Control Centers to view restricted Satellite Information on the ISO-NE Web siteProvides read only access to approved NX-9 and NX-12D forms Users can see data for all New England equipment This role available only to employees of ISO, LCCs, or Major Transmission Owners<User responsible for the entry and submission of NX-12D dataqProvides read only access to approved NX-9 and NX-12D forms Users can only see data for their company s equipmenttUser receives email notification when data associated with their company s NX-9 forms are implemented in the ISO EMS_User receives email notification when their company s NX-9 and NX-12D forms are approved by ISO`User responsible for the entry and submission of NX-9 data and annual certification of NX-9 dataRUser who monitors the status of, or submits, the annual certification of NX-9 dataProvides read only access to NX-9 and NX-12D forms that are in any stage of creation, review or approval Users can only see data for their company s equipmentProvides email notification when data associated with NX-9 forms are implemented in the ISO EMS Notifications are sent for all New England equipment This role available only to employees of ISO, LCCs, or Major Transmission OwnersProvides email notification when NX-9 and NX-12D forms are approved by ISO Notifications are sent for all New England equipment This role available only to employees of ISO, LCCs, or Major Transmission OwnersRead-only access to the Sandbox DR MUI for Demand Designated Entity (DDE) user to query data for their Demand Resources without any settlement implicationsRead/write access to the Sandbox DR MUI for Demand Designated Entity (DDE) user to submit and query data for their Demand Resources without any settlement implicationsRead-only access to the Sandbox DR MUI for Lead Participant user to query data for their Demand Resources without any settlement implicationsRead/write access to the Sandbox DR MUI for Lead Participant user to submit and query data for their Demand Resources without any settlement implicationsRead-only access to the Sandbox DR MUI for Meter Reader to query asset telemetry for their Demand Resources without any settlement implicationsRead/write access to the Sandbox DR MUI for Meter Reader to submit telemetry corrections for their Demand Resources without any settlement implicationsRead/write access to the Internal Transactions SMS application for submittal of internal bilateral transactions to the Day-Ahead Energy Market and Real-Time Energy MarketRead/write access to the Forward Reserve Assignment SMS application allows user to submit Resource specific assignment of Forward Reserve obligationsRead-only access to the Forward Reserve Assignment SMS application to< view Resource specific assignment of Forward Reserve obligationsRead/write access to the Forward Reserve Market Auction SMS application allows user to submit bids in the Forward Reserve Market Auction Read-only access to the Forward Reserve Market Auction SMS application to review a company's Forward Reserve Market Auction data Two roles are combined for read/write access to the Submit Meter Reading SMS application for submittal of daily meter readings, and the Submit Peak Contribution SMS application for submittal of monthly peak load contribution data xRead/write access to the Submit Network Load SMS application for Network Customers to submit monthly Network Load values{Read-only access to the Submit Network Load SMS application for Network Customers to view their monthly Network Load values$Metering-related MIS Reports access NEXTT NEXTT SandboxThe New England External Transaction Tool (NEXTT) application is used to submit external transactions to the Day-Ahead Energy Market and Real-Time Energy Market.Read-only access to the NEXTT application for user to view their company's external transactions. NEXTT application access is also required for customer access to view External Transactions at the Rosteon node using New York ISO's Joint Energy Scheduling System (JESS):Read/write access to the NEXTT application allows user to submit and modify their company's external transactions NEXTT application access is also required for customer access to submit and modify external transactions at the Rosteon node using New York ISO's Joint Energy Scheduling System (JESS)Read-only access to the NEXTT Sandbox application allows user to view their company's external transactions without any operational or settlement implicationsRead/write access to the NEXTT Sandbox application allows user to submit and modify their company's external transactions without any operational or settlement implicationsWPF WebServices - WPLP(Interconnection Request Materials AccesssRead access to view interonnection Request material classified as Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII)Read/write access allows the user to register Demand Assets, map Demand Assets to Demand Response and Capacity Resources, and download company Demand Asset information._Read-only access allows the user to view and download their company's Demand Asset information.Read-only access allows the Host Participant user to view and download demand asset and measure information for demand assets within their Host Participant territories.Read-only access allows the Meter Reader user to view and download demand asset information for which they are the meter reader.fRead/write access allows Demand Designated Entity user to assign an RTU to a Demand Response Resource.Read/write access allows the Lead Participant user to map Demand Response Resources to Demand Designated Entities, and download Generator, Demand and Import Resource information.yRead-only access allows the Lead Participant user to view and download Generator, Demand and Import Resource information.Access to the following ISO New England applications and file groups is available through the Customer Asset Management System (CAMS). Prior to accessing most applications, the user must have a valid digital certificate issued by ISO New England and have their company s Security Administrator assign the appropriate access level in CAMS. Applications that do not require a certficate are noted on the Application Access tab. The available roles and their function for each application or group is listed below. If you need to know who your company s Security Administrator is or have any other questions regarding access to these applications, please contact ISO-NE Customer Support at 413-540-4220 or askiso@iso-ne.com.Access to the following ISO New England applications and file groups is available through the Customer Asset Management System (CAMS). Prior to accessing most applications, the user must have a valid digital certificate issued by ISO New England and have their company s Security Administrator assign the appropriate access level in CAMS. Applications that do not require a certficate are noted below. The Application Group Roles tab identifies the available roles and their function for each application or group listed below. If you need to know who your company s Security Administrator is or have any other questions regarding access to these applications, please contact ISO-NE Customer Support at 413-540-4220 or askiso@iso-ne.com.JCustomer and Asset Management System (CAMS) Application Access Information,Planning Advisory Committee Materials AccessExternal Asset MaintainerRead/write access to submit and/or approve new settlement only generator and load assets, submit and/or approve asset relationship changes (ownership, lead participant, meter reader), and submit and/or approve asset retirements. New asset, relationship change, and asset retirement requests are initiated by the asset s Lead Participant. This role will not provide read/write access to demand assets (request External Demand Asset Maintainer)Read-only access allows the user to view and download asset information for modeled generator, settlement only generator, load, alternative technology regulation resource, asset related demand and non-energy assets for assets which the user's company has one or more associations with the asset (Lead Participant, Asset Owner, Meter Reader, Host Participant). This role will not provide view access to demand assets (request External Demand Asset Viewer)#External Demand Meter Reader Viewer#External Demand Resource Maintainer'External Demand Host Participant ViewerInternal Transactions Submit Energy Inventory Submit Meter Reading Submit Peak Contribution Submit Monthly Regional Network Load Forward Reserve Market Auction Forward Reserve AssignmentEnergy Inventory SubmitterRead/write access to the Submit Energy Inventory SMS application for submittal of inventory levels under the Inventoried Energy Program.Internal Transactions Submit Energy Inventory Forward Reserve Assignment Forward Reserve Market Auction Submit Meter Reading Submit Peak Contribution Submit Mont<hly Regional Network Load View Reports$View Reports by Assigned Subaccounts*View Reports Including Transmission Access5View MIS reports for subaccounts assigned to the userView all MIS reports/View all MIS reports and transmission reporting#Power System Limits Exchange Portal+Power System Limits Exchange Portal SandboxThe Power System Limits Exchange Portal (LEP) is used to submit ambient adjusted transmission line ratings for use in the Day-Ahead Market and Real-Time Market, and for local transmission owners to add, edit, and retire equipment.RPower System Limits Exchange Portal or Power System Limits Exchange Portal SandboxViewer SubmitterProvides read only access to NX-9 and NX-12D forms that are in any stage of creation, review or approval. Users can only see data for their company s equipmentuProvides access to view submitted ambient adjusted ratings and local transmission equipment in the LEP user interfaceProvides access to view and submit ambient adjusted ratings and updates to local transmission equipment in the LEP user interface and via the LEP API L-bT B g~ sa]%L}D b X z CCo   PGh"|&|, <2X6<AoEgJ _NW _bTdccB T8 1{k vO|  dMbP?_*+% IF&L&"-,Bold"CAMS Application Access Information&C&"-,Bold"ISO-NE Public&?'?(?)?MC odXXLetter"IXX333333?333333?&<3U} D} 2h} D} 2D} 8D} 8 D1    w@i |\ |@< ` d < < PP<P<<<<<dd@d<<P<(( NN NN NN NN wwwww xxxxx ] ^ ^ ^ _ mn n\ o `Z p a[ E] b F[ d ak E b b d a E b F d aq Ew b Fq d c E b F; d c eR b F d c eR b F d c e b Ft d a E b F d cC eQ b F d c eN b F< d c eN b F< d c eO b F= d c eO b F= d a| E b F| d c E b F| d c' e> b FW d c* e? b F@ d aT EV b FU d a! 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