ࡱ>  bjbj++ IIvvT$$$X!$$%)H(+(+(+:-2X4$Є(5-":-(5(5(+(+04HLHLHL(5 (+(+HL(5HLHL.w{(+gCx,dHyC`X{{{ (5(5HL(5(5(5(5(5H*(5(5(5(5(5(5(5(5(5(5(5(5(5(5(5(5v :  Internal Bilateral Transactions User Interface Contract Upload File Formats SMS Contract File Upload Tracking Table Ref NumberChangeDate46545& changed to +, examples updated01/15/033050Added line that Contains a name of fixed MW pattern for On-peak - Off-peak patterns, if any. This name can be one of these: On-Peak 5x16, On-Peak 2x16, Off-Peak 5x8, Off-Peak 7x8, Off-Peak 2x24, Off-Peak 5x8 & 2x2412/16/200222316Changed XML File Format section to refer to online DTD, and XML File Examples section to use up-to-date DOCTYPE8/18/200356917Daylight saving extra hour format description is changed from 02:00:00* to 2*:00:00 to reflect the implemented format.9/15/200333384Added FR_TMNSR, FR_TMOR contract categories02/21/200633384On the XML file format, changed the system and public IDs to refer to the new DTD version 1.1 (1_1)08/03/2006WARPUpdated URL on the XML file09/28/200636117Added CSV and XML Contract Extension File Format Excluded External ICAP Imports from the contracts submitted with Schedule10/01/2006Q2 2008Accepted previous revision changes01/18/2008 DateByVersionComments12/01/2008Alla TosenkoQ2_2009Added External ICAP with Flexible Reservations Contract file upload format05/05/2009Alla TosenkoFCM 2Added Capacity Load Obligation Contract Type06/03/2009Vlad AntonevichFCM2Added examples of file upload formats for Capacity Obligation Contract, updated DOCTYPE to the new DTD version (1.3) in XML file examples06/30/2009Alla TosenkoFCM 2Added Capacity Supplemental Availability contract type; Removed contract length definition since it is defined in the Internal Contracts Functional Specification document8/24/2009Alla TosenkoFCM 2Changed Capacity Load Obligation, Capacity Supplemental Availability contract type labels to FCM Load Obligation, FCM Supplemental Availability respectively 10/28/2009Alla TosenkoFCM 2Updated examples of the Capacity Supplemental Availability contract in XML file format 05/24/2010Subhasish ParidaCBE v1Added Marginal Loss Revenue Allocation Flag upload specification and example file.06/16/2010Jim DoyleCBE v2Moved MLR Flag from required line 1000 to new optional line 2050 in sections: CSV File Format: CSV Contract Entry Upload File Format for both Contract Only and Contract and Schedule CSV File Examples: CSV Hourly Contract Entry Upload File Example for both Contract Only and Contract and Schedule CSV File Format Definitions Clarified MLR Flag description (only for DA and RT Energy contracts, includes/excludes contract in MLRLO) in sections: CSV File Format Definitions XML Contract Upload File Format Definitions Submit_Contracts Updated Public Id and System Id from Contract Submission 1.3 to 1.4 and submit_contracts_1_3.dtd to submit_contracts_1_4.dtd in sections: XML File Format XML File Examples: XML Hourly Contract Entry Upload File Examples and XML Monthly Entry Upload File Examples06/22/2010Jim DoyleCBE v3Added start date validation to MLR Flag description in sections: CSV File Format Definitions XML Contract Upload File Format Definitions Submit_Contracts11/22/2013Ben YuanQ1-2014CR#77380: removed ICAP market (both internal and external) from Contract Upload; immediately stop an attempted ICAP upload with a message, like: unknown category ICAP_INTERNAL07/14/2015Jim DoyleDiv Acct Rel 3Added Subaccount ID to uploads for Contract Only and Contract and Schedule. Added new CSV line 2025 with Subaccount ID: CSV Contract Entry Upload File Format for both Contract Only and Contract and Schedule CSV Hourly Contract Entry Upload File Examples for both Contract Only (added contract) and Contract and Schedule (updated ENERGY_RT contract) CSV Contract Upload File Format Definitions Line Code and Field Added new XML SubaccountID attribute: XML File Format and Examples use new Submit_Contracts 1.5 public and system ID XML Hourly Contract Entry Upload File Examples for both Contract Only (added contract) and Contract and Schedule (updated ENERGY_RT contract) XML Contract Upload File Format Definitions Submit_Contracts DateByVersionComments06/28/2017Jim DoylePFPObsolete functionality cleanup. Removed obsolete ICAP Contract CSV format line. Removed obsolete ICAP Contract attributes from XML format definitions. Removed obsolete values from contract field definitions for Contract Category, Seller, Buyer, Location. Updated XML format DTD versions to new DTDs without obsolete ICAP Contract attributes and Category attribute values. Removed obsolete REGULATION_RT contracts from file examples. PSB changes. Added notes that contracts with category FCM Performance Score Bilateral may not be included in upload files.  Table of Contents  TOC \o "1-2" \h \z  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726697" CSV File Format  PAGEREF _Toc424726697 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726698" CSV Contract Entry Upload File Format Contract Only  PAGEREF _Toc424726698 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726699" CSV Contract Entry Upload File Format Contract and Schedule  PAGEREF _Toc424726699 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726700" CSV Schedule Profile Entry Upload File Format  PAGEREF _Toc424726700 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726701" CSV Contract Termination Upload File Format  PAGEREF _Toc424726701 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726702" CSV File Examples  PAGEREF _Toc424726702 \h 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726703" CSV Hourly Contract Entry Upload File Example Contract Only  PAGEREF _Toc424726703 \h 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726704" CSV Hourly Contract Entry Upload File Example Contract and Schedule  PAGEREF _Toc424726704 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726705" CSV Hourly Schedule Profile Upload File Example  PAGEREF _Toc424726705 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726706" CSV Contract Termination Upload File Example  PAGEREF _Toc424726706 \h 9  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726707" CSV File Format Definitions  PAGEREF _Toc424726707 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726708" CSV Contract Upload File Format Definitions - Line Code  PAGEREF _Toc424726708 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726709" CSV Contract Upload File Format Definitions - Field  PAGEREF _Toc424726709 \h 11  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726710" XML File Format  PAGEREF _Toc424726710 \h 16  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726711" XML File Examples  PAGEREF _Toc424726711 \h 17  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726712" XML Hourly Contract Entry Upload File Example Contract Only  PAGEREF _Toc424726712 \h 17  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726713" XML Monthly Entry Upload File Example Contract only  PAGEREF _Toc424726713 \h 19  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726714" XML Hourly Contract Entry Upload File Example Contract and Schedule  PAGEREF _Toc424726714 \h 20  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726715" XML Monthly Entry Upload File Example Contract and Schedule  PAGEREF _Toc424726715 \h 21  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726716" XML Hourly Schedule Profile Upload File Example  PAGEREF _Toc424726716 \h 22  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726717" XML Monthly Schedule Profile Upload File Example  PAGEREF _Toc424726717 \h 23  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726718" XML Contract Termination Upload File Example  PAGEREF _Toc424726718 \h 23  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726719" XML File Format Definitions  PAGEREF _Toc424726719 \h 24  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726720" XML Contract Upload File Format Definitions Submit_Contracts (W/WO Schedule)  PAGEREF _Toc424726720 \h 24  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726721" XML Schedule Profile Upload File Format Definitions Submit_Schedules  PAGEREF _Toc424726721 \h 28  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc424726722" XML Contract Termination Upload File Format Definitions Terminate_Contracts  PAGEREF _Toc424726722 \h 29  CSV File Format CSV Contract Entry Upload File Format Contract Only *** 1000,,,,< Location ID>,,, 2000, 2025, 2050, 3000, 3050, 5000,,, 6000, ,*** CSV Contract Entry Upload File Format Contract and Schedule *** 1000,,,,< Location ID>,,, 2000, 2025, 2050, 3000, 4XXX, 4XXX,, 4XXX,, 4XXX,, (up to 25 of these for each day of the contract) 5000,,, 6000, , CSV Schedule Profile Entry Upload File Format *** 1001,,, 4XXX, 4XXX,< Profile Interval>, 4XXX,< Profile Interval>, 4XXX,< Profile Interval>, (up to 25 of these for each day of the contract) CSV Contract Termination Upload File Format *** 9000,,,,, CSV File Examples CSV Hourly Contract Entry Upload File Example Contract Only Contract Cont *** 1000,ENERGY_DA,1,2,901,xxx,11/01/2002 11:00:00,11/3/2003 6:00:00 2000,C 3000,50.675 3050,On-Peak 5x16 *** 1000,ENERGY_DA,1,2,401,xxx,11/01/2002 11:00:00,11/3/2003 6:00:00 2000,P *** 1000,ENERGY_DA,1,2,401,xxx,12/01/2010 11:00:00,12/03/2010 6:00:00 2000,P 2050,N *** 1000,ENERGY_RT,1,2,401,xxx,02/21/2002 01:00:00,02/28/2002 24:00:00 2000,C 3000,50.675 *** 1000,ENERGY_RT,1,2,401,xxx,02/21/2002 01:00:00,02/28/2002 24:00:00 2000,P *** 1000,ENERGY_RT,1,2,401,xxx,12/21/2010 01:00:00,12/28/2010 24:00:00 2000,P 2050,Y *** 1000,ENERGY_RT,1,2,401,xxx,12/21/2014 01:00:00,12/28/2014 24:00:00 2000,P 2025,XYZSubaccount 2050,Y *** 1000,LOAD_RT,1,3,601,xxx,11/21/2002 01:00:00,11/23/2003 6:00:00 2000,C *** 1000,REGULATION_RT,1,2, ,xxx,11/01/2002 11:00:00,11/3/2003 6:00:00 2000,P *** 1000,FR_TMNSR,1,2,801,xxx,10/01/2006 08:00:00,11/2/2006 23:00:00 2000,P 3000,10.000 3050,On-Peak 5x16 *** 1000,FR_TMOR,1,2,802,xxx,10/01/2006 01:00:00,05/31/2007 24:00:00 2000,C *** 1000, FCM_SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY,1,2, ,xxx,06/29/2010 01:00:00,06/30/2010 24:00:00 2000,P 6000, 1101,1107 *** CSV Hourly Contract Entry Upload File Example Contract and Schedule Contract Cont *** 1000,ENERGY_RT,1,2,401,xxx,12/21/2014 01:00:00,12/28/2014 24:00:00 2000,P 2025,XYZSubaccount 2050,Y 4001,12/21/2014 4001,1,75 4001,2,75 (lines for hours 0300 to 2300) 4001,24,75.9 *** 1000,LOAD_RT,1,3,601,xxx,11/21/2002 01:00:00,11/23/2003 6:00:00 2000,C 4001,11/21/2002 4001,1,150 4001,2,250 (lines for hours 0300 to 2300) 4001,24,150 4002,11/23/2002 4002,1,100 4002,2,200 (lines for hours 0300 to 2300) 4002,24,100 *** 1000,FR_TMNSR,1,2,801,xxx,10/01/2006 08:00:00,10/02/2006 23:00:00 2000,P 4001,10/01/2006 4001,8,150 4001,9,250 (lines for hours 1000 to 2200) 4001,23,150 4002,10/02/2006 4002,8,100 4002,9,200 (lines for hours 1000 to 2200) 4002,23,100 *** 1000, FCM_SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY,1,2, ,xxx,06/29/2010 16:00:00,06/30/2010 24:00:00 2000,P 4001,06/29/2010 4001,16,5.549 4001,17,5.549 4002,06/30/2010 4002,17,25 4002,18,25 4002,23,50 4002,24,50 6000,1101,1107 CSV Hourly Schedule Profile Upload File Example Contract Sched Profile *** 1001,20001, ENERGY_RT,1,2 4001,02/21/2002 4001,1,75.1 4001,2,75.2 (lines for hours 0300 to 2300) 4001,24,75.245 *** 1001,20002, ENERGY_DA,1,3 4001,11/21/2002 4001,1,100 4001,2,120 (lines for hours 0300 to 2300) 4001,24,110 4002,11/23/2002 4002,1,110 4002,2,120 (lines for hours 0300 to 2300) 4002,24,120 *** 1000,30001,FR_TMNSR,1,2, 4001,10/01/2006 4001,8,150 4001,9,250 (lines for hours 1000 to 2200) 4001,23,150 4002,10/02/2006 4002,8,100 4002,9,200 (lines for hours 1000 to 2200) 4002,23,100 *** 1000, 50201,FCM_SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY,1,2 4001,06/29/2010 4001,16,5.349 4001,17,5.549 4002,06/30/2010 4002,17,25 4002,18,25 4002,23,50 4002,24,50 CSV Contract Termination Upload File Example Contract Termination *** 9000,20001,ENERGY_RT,1,2,11/3/2002 16:00:00 CSV File Format Definitions CSV Contract Upload File Format Definitions - Line Code CodeDescriptionComponentContractContract EntryWill contain one of the following: Cont, Sched Profile, TerminationXXXSequential number starting from 00 or 001. Lines with code XX and XXX mean this contract can have multiple lines of the same format: each additional line will have the number incremented by 1. 1000For Cont Entry. Line with code 1000 contains initial contract information.1001For Sched Profile Entry. Line with code 1001 contains existing contract information to be linked to the Schedule Profile.2000For Cont Entry. Contains Confirmation Level choice (contract only confirm, schedule confirm). 2025For Cont Entry. Contains Subaccount ID. Only used for contract categories with a Subaccount granularity: ENERGY_DA ENERGY_RT LOAD_RT FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION Optional line, see Subaccount ID Field definition below.2050For Cont Entry. Contains MLR Flag. Only used for DA and RT Energy contract entry. Optional line, see MLR Flag Field definition below.3000Contains a fixed MW amount for the entire contract duration, if chosen. 3050Contains a name of fixed MW pattern for On-peak - Off-peak patterns, if any. Not applicable for contracts with monthly profiles. This name can be one of these: On-Peak 5x16, On-Peak 2x16, Off-Peak 5x8, Off-Peak 7x8, Off-Peak 2x24, Off-Peak 5x8 + 2x24.4XXXLines with code 4XXX contain schedule profile information. Hourly Profiles for contract sequential day XXX (4001 code is used for the first day of profile lines, 4002 for the second day, etc.): the first in 4XXX line series specifies Date of the contract; the remaining (25 or less) in 4XXX line series contain Profile Hour and MW Amount series of lines for a day are separated by the divider line (***) Monthly Profiles: Only 4001 code is used 4001 lines (12 or less) contain Profile Month and MW amount The first 4001 line specifies the date, while the remaining (25 or less) 4001 lines contain the Profile Hour, MW amount. Cannot be used at the same time as 3000.6000For Cont Entry of the FCM Supplemental Availability contract type only. Contains Supplementing Resource ID and Supplemented Resource ID9000For Termination Entry. Contains information to identify a contract to terminate and a termination date. CSV Contract Upload File Format Definitions - Field CSV Line CodeFieldDescriptionFormatRequiredN/AComponentContains the word Contract to describe what kind of file upload this is. N/AYesN/AContract EntryWill contain one of the following: Cont Sched Profile TerminationN/AYesN/A*** Three Asterisks Used to separate Contracts. N/AYes1000Contract CategoryWill contain one of the following: ENERGY_DA Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Day Ahead Market , ENERGY_RT Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Real Time Market, REGULATION_RT Internal Bilateral contract for Regulation Market, LOAD_RT Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Real Time Load, FR_TMNSR Internal Bilateral contract for Ten-Minute Non-Spinning Reserve in the Locational Forward Reserve Market FR_TMOR Internal Bilateral contract for Thirty-Minute Operating Reserve in the Locational Forward Reserve Market FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION Internal Bilateral contract for the Forward Capacity Market (FCM) FCM_SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY Supplemental Availability Bilateral contract for the Forward Capacity Market (FCM) Contracts of the following categories may not be included in a Contract Entry Upload File: FCM_PERFORMANCE_SCORE Performance Score Bilateral contract for Forward Capacity MarketN/A Yes1000Seller Identifier Contains the numeric identifier of the customer who is supplying market service through a Contract. For all Contract categories, an Internal Contract it must be a Participant.Maximum length is 9 characters.Yes1000Buyer Identifier Contains the numeric identifier of the customer who is receiving market service through a Contract. For all Contract categories, an Internal Contract it must be a Participant.Maximum length is 9 characters.Yes1000Location IDContains the numeric identifier of the Contract Location Identifier (Network Node Id, or Load Zone Id, or Reserve Zone, or HUB Id, or Capacity Zone). If Contract category is REGULATION_RT, or FCM_SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY then the "Location ID must be BLANK. Maximum length is 9 characters.Yes1000Participants Reference IDContains an internal reference identifier for the Participants use. Note: Do not use commas within the data contained in the field. For contract with no reference ID leave blank.Maximum length is 25 characters and free form.No1000Begin DateContains the starting date for which the contract will be effective (hour ending). MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS Length must be less or equal 19 characters. (daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00)Yes1000End DateContains the ending date of the contract (hour ending). MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS Length must be less or equal 19 characters. (daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00)Yes1001Contract IdentifierNumeric Identifier of the contract which this schedule is part of. This Identifier was generated when contract was entered into the Market System.Maximum length is 9 characters.Yes1001Contract CategoryContains one of the following (see Line 1000 definitions): ENERGY_DA, ENERGY_RT, REGULATION_RT, LOAD_RT, FR_TMNSR FR_TMOR FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION FCM_SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY Contracts of the following categories may not be included in a Schedule Profile Entry Upload File: FCM_PERFORMANCE_SCOREValidate against the original contract CategoryYes1001Seller IdentifierContains the numeric identifier of the customer who is supplying market service through a Contract. For all Contract categories, an Internal Contract it must be a Participant.Maximum length is 9 characters. Validate against the original contract Seller ID.Yes1001Buyer Identifier Contains the numeric identifier of the customer who is receiving market service through a Contact. For all Contract categories, an Internal Contract it must be a Participant.Maximum length is 9 characters. Validate against the original contract Buyer ID.Yes2000Confirm Level flagContains Confirmation Level choice (contract only confirm, schedule profile confirm). C - Contract confirm = Only the initial contract need be confirm. Any subsequent schedules entered are automatically confirmed. P - Schedule Profile Confirm = All schedules entered as well as the initial contract must be confirmed. Maximum length is 1 character.Yes2025Subaccount IDLine 2025 specifies the contract originator Subaccount ID for contracts with a Subaccount granularity (see line code definition above for contract categories with a Subaccount granularity). The contract originator is the customer represented by the user submitting the upload in the Internal Bilateral Transactions User Interface, either the contracts buyer or the seller. Contracts with a Subaccount granularity have one Subaccount for the buyer and one Subaccount for the seller. For these contracts, line 2025 is optional, and if not supplied, then the contract originator Subaccount ID is defaulted to the contract originators default Subaccount ID (Default). If the line is supplied, it must specify the Subaccount ID of one of the contract originators Subaccounts (which includes Default), and this Subaccount must have Active status for the period of the contract. The Subaccount will apply to settlements of all intervals during the period of the contract. Settlements applying a MW Amount for the contract to the contract originators settlement will assign that entire MW Amount to this one Subaccount. The Internal Bilateral Transactions User Interface may be used to later change this Subaccount, or assign different Subaccounts for different months of a contract spanning multiple months. The other contract party customer (buyer or seller) is unaffected by the contract originator Subaccount ID, and may specify their Subaccount ID(s) in the Internal Bilateral Transactions User Interface after the contract has been uploaded.Maximum length is 100 characters.No2050Marginal Loss Revenue Allocation FlagLine 2050 is only used for DA and RT Energy contracts, and specifies the contract's Marginal Loss Revenue Allocation Flag. For DA and RT Energy contracts the line is optional, and if not supplied, then the contract's flag is defaulted to be Y. If the line is supplied, it must specify a Y or N value for the flag. If the contract's flag is Y, then the contract will be included in the calculation of Marginal Loss Revenue Load Obligation used in the allocation of Marginal Loss Revenues. If the contract's flag is N, then the contract will be excluded from the calculation of Marginal Loss Revenue Load Obligation used in the allocation of the Marginal Loss Revenues. The contracts flag must be Y when the contracts Begin Date is prior to the Credit and Billing Enhancements Start Date 12/01/2010, or the upload will be rejected.Maximum length is 1 character which is either Y or NNo3000Fixed MW AmountContains MW Amount for the entire contract duration. For an hourly market contract, this value will be applied to each hour of the contract. If Fixed MW Pattern field is specified, this value will be applied according to the pattern specified. For a monthly market contract, this value will be applied to each month of the contract. If this field is not blank then the "Contract Level flag must equal "C", Total length cannot exceed 10 characters and it includes 3 decimal places.No3050Fixed MW PatternCan contain a name for the On-peak - Off-peak pattern. This can be applied to contracts where Fixed MW Amount field is specified. For FR_TMNSR and FR_TMOR contracts only the On-Peak 5x16 (weekdays) pattern is applicable. Not applicable for any FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION contracts.Can contain one of the following: On-Peak 5x16 On-Peak 2x16 Off-Peak 5x8 Off-Peak 7x8 Off-Peak 2x24 Off-Peak 5x8 + 2x24No4XXXDateContains the specific date for which the following contract mw information will be applied to. Not applicable for any FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION contract.MM/DD/YYYY Length must equal 10 characters.Yes4XXXProfile IntervalContains the ending hour corresponding to the MW amount below. Hourly Numeric from 1 24 (daylight-saving extra hour = 2*). Monthly Numeric from 1-12.Yes4XXXMWContains the Schedule Profile MW amount. Total length cannot exceed 10 characters and it includes 3 decimal places.Yes6000Supplementing Resource IDNumeric identifier of the Supplementing Resource ID associated with a FCM_SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY contractMaximum length is 9 characters.Yes6000Supplemented Resource IDNumeric identifier of the Supplemented Resource ID associated with a FCM_SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY contractMaximum length is 9 characters.Yes9000Contract IDNumeric Identifier of the contract to be terminated. This Identifier was generated when contract was entered into the Market System.Maximum length is 9 characters.Yes9000Contract CategoryContains one of the following (see Line 1000 definitions): ENERGY_DA, ENERGY_RT, REGULATION_RT, LOAD_RT, FR_TMNSR FR_TMOR FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION FCM_SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY Contracts of the following categories may not be included in a Contract Termination Upload File: FCM_PERFORMANCE_SCOREValidate against the original contract Category.Yes9000Seller IdentifierContains the numeric identifier of the customer supplying the Market Service for the contract that is to be terminated. For all Contract categories, it must be a Participant.For an Internal contract it can be a Participant or Non-Participant. For an External import it must be a Non-Participant.Maximum length is 9 characters. Validate against the original contract Seller ID.Yes9000Buyer IdentifierContains the numeric identifier of the customer receiving the Market Service for the contract that is to be terminated. For all Contract categories, it must be a Participant.For an Internal contract it can be a Participant or Non-Participant. For an External import it must be a Participant.Maximum length is 9 characters. Validate against the original contract Buyer IDYes9000Termination Begin DateContains the date on which the contract will be terminated. This date must fall within the start and stop dates of the contract. This hour is the first hour of contract inactivity. MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS Length must be less or equal 19 characters. (daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00)Yes XML File Format The following table lists the Public Id and System Id for each type of IBT upload file. The Public Id is a unique name describing the file format. When a customer uploads a file to a system at ISO-NE, the system recognizes the file format based on the Public Id. The System Id is a URL where the file format itself can be retrieved. Anyone may download the file format from the System Id URL and read it. For instance, the file format for XML Contract Entry Upload may be read in a web browser like Internet Explorer by opening the URL http://www.iso-ne.com/static-assets/documents/yyyy2015/07mm/submit_contracts_1_65.dtd. The System Id has other purposes as well. When a customer views an upload file in a tool like Internet Explorer, the tool uses the System Id to download the file format and process the upload file for display. Every XML upload file is expected to start with two lines: the XML line, and a DOCTYPE line with the Public Id and the System Id. For instance, an XML Contract Entry Upload file must begin with these two lines: Upload TypePublic IdISO-NE published System IdXML Contract Entry Upload-//, Inc//DTD Contract Submission 1.65//EN HYPERLINK "http://www.iso-ne.com/static-assets/documents/yyyy/mm/submit_contracts_1_6.dtd" http://www.iso-ne.com/static-assets/documents/yyyy2015/07mm/submit_contracts_1_65.dtdXML Schedule Profile Upload-//, Inc//DTD Schedule Submission 1.43//EN HYPERLINK "http://www.iso-ne.com/static-assets/documents/yyyy/mm/submit_schedules_1_4.dtd" http://www.iso-ne.com/static-assets/documents/yyyy/mmsupport/tech/dtd/sms/submit_schedules_1_43.dtdXML Contract Termination Upload-//, Inc//DTD Contract Termination 1.43//EN HYPERLINK "http://www.iso-ne.com/static-assets/documents/yyyy/mm/terminate_contracts_1_4.dtd" http://www.iso-ne.com/static-assets/documents/yyyy/mmsupport/tech/dtd/sms/terminate_contracts_1_34.dtd XML File Examples XML Hourly Contract Entry Upload File Example Contract Only 11/1/2002 11:00:00 11/03/2003 06:00:00 50.675 On-Peak 5x16 11/1/2002 11:00:00 11/03/2003 06:00:00 12/21/2010 1:00:00 12/28/2010 24:00:00 50.675 12/21/2010 1:00:00 12/28/2010 24:00:00 12/21/2014 1:00:00 12/28/2014 24:00:00 10/01/2006 8:00:00 10/02/2006 23:00:00 10.000 On-Peak 5x16 10/01/2006 01:00:00 05/31/2007 24:00:00 06/29/2010 16:00:00 06/30/2010 24:00:00 1103 1102 XML Monthly Entry Upload File Example Contract only FCM Load Obligation 12/01/2010 1:00:00 03/31/2011 24:00:00 06/01/2010 1:00:00 06/30/2010 24:00:00 06/01/2010 1:00:00 05/31/2011 24:00:00 20.000 XML Hourly Contract Entry Upload File Example Contract and Schedule 12/21/2014 1:00:00 12/28/2014 24:00:00 11/21/2002 1:00:00 11/23/2003 6:00:00 11/21/2006 8:00:00 11/22/2006 10:00:00 06/29/2010 16:00:00 06/30/2010 24:00:00 1103 1102 XML Monthly Entry Upload File Example Contract and Schedule 11/01/2010 1:00:00 01/31/2011 24:00:00 XML Hourly Schedule Profile Upload File Example XML Monthly Schedule Profile Upload File Example XML Contract Termination Upload File Example 11/3/2002 16:00:00 11/22/2006 1:00:00 XML File Format Definitions XML Contract Upload File Format Definitions Submit_Contracts (W/WO Schedule) XML TagDescriptionFormatRequiredContract CategoryWill contain one of the following: ENERGY_DA Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Day Ahead Market , ENERGY_RT Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Real Time Market, REGULATION_RT Internal Bilateral contract for Regulation Market, LOAD_RT Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Real Time Load FR_TMNSR Internal Bilateral contract for Ten-Minute Non-Spinning Reserve in the Locational Forward Reserve Market FR_TMOR Internal Bilateral contract for Thirty-Minute Operating Reserve in the Locational Forward Reserve Market FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION Internal Bilateral contract for the Forward Capacity Market (FCM) FCM_SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY Supplemental Availability Bilateral contract for the Forward Capacity Market (FCM) Contracts of the following categories may not be included in a Submit_Contracts Upload File: FCM_PERFORMANCE_SCORE Performance Score Bilateral contract for Forward Capacity MarketN/A YesSeller Contains the numeric identifier of the customer who is supplying market service through a Contract. For all Contract categories, an Internal Contract it must be a Participant.Maximum length is 9 characters.YesBuyerContains the numeric identifier of the customer who is receiving market service through a Contract. For all Contract categories, it It must be a Participant.Maximum length is 9 characters.YesLocationContains the numeric identifier of the Contract Location Identifier (Network Node Id, or Load Zone Id, or Reserve Zone, or HUB Id, or Capacity Zone). If Contract category is REGULATION_RT, or FCM_SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY then the "Location ID must be BLANK. Maximum length is 9 characters.YesConfirmationLevelContains Confirmation Level choice (contract only confirm, schedule profile confirm) C - Contract confirm = Only the initial contract need be confirm. Any subsequent schedules entered are automatically confirmed. P - Schedule Profile Confirm = All schedules entered as well as the initial contract must be confirmed. Maximum length is 1 character.YesReferenceContains an internal reference identifier for the Participants use. Note: Do not use commas within the data contained in the field. For contract with no reference ID leave blank.Maximum length is 25 characters and free form.Yes SubaccountIDOnly applicable to contracts with a Subaccount granularity, contract categories: ENERGY_DA ENERGY_RT LOAD_RT FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION Optional attribute for these contracts, containing the contract originator Subaccount ID, and defaulted to the contract originators default Subaccount ID (Default) if not supplied. The contract originator is the customer represented by the user submitting the upload in the Internal Bilateral Transactions User Interface, either the contracts buyer or the seller. Contracts with a Subaccount granularity have one Subaccount for the buyer and one Subaccount for the seller. The contract originator Subaccount ID must be the Subaccount ID of one of the contract originators Subaccounts (which includes Default), and this Subaccount must have Active status for the period of the contract. The Subaccount will apply to settlements of all intervals during the period of the contract. Settlements applying a MW Amount for the contract to the contract originators settlement will assign that entire MW Amount to this one Subaccount. The Internal Bilateral Transactions User Interface may be used to later change this Subaccount, or assign different Subaccounts for different months of a contract spanning multiple months. The other contract party customer (buyer or seller) is unaffected by the contract originator Subaccount ID, and may specify their Subaccount ID(s) in the Internal Bilateral Transactions User Interface after the contract has been uploaded.Maximum length is 100 characters.NoMLRFlagOnly applicable to ENERGY_DA and ENERGY_RT contracts. Optional attribute for ENERGY_DA and ENERGY_RT contracts and is defaulted to be Y if not supplied. If the contract's flag is Y, then the contract will be included in the calculation of Marginal Loss Revenue Load Obligation used in the allocation of Marginal Loss Revenues. If the contract's flag is N, then the contract will be excluded from the calculation of Marginal Loss Revenue Load Obligation used in the allocation of the Marginal Loss Revenues. The contracts flag must be Y when the contracts Begin Date is prior to the Credit and Billing Enhancements Start Date 12/01/2010, or the upload will be rejected.Maximum length is 1 character which is either Y or N.NoBegin DateContains the starting date for which the contract will be effective (hour ending). MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS Length must be less or equal 19 characters. (daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00)YesEnd DateContains the ending date of the contract (hour ending). MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS Length must be less or equal 19 characters. (daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00)YesFixedMWAmountContains MW amount for the entire contract duration. This value will be applied to each hour of the contract. If FixedMWAmountPattern is specified, this value will be applied to all hours based on the selected pattern. On FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION contracts (monthly market), this value will be applied to each month of the contract. If this field is not blank then the "ConfirmationLevel must equal "C", Total length cannot exceed 10 characters and it includes 3 decimal places.NoFixedMWAmountPatternThis field can contain a name of the pattern, according to which FixedMWAmount is applied to the contract. For FR_TMNSR and FR_TMOR contracts only the On-Peak 5x16 (weekdays) pattern is applicable. Not applicable for any FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION contracts.Can contain one of the following: On-Peak 5x16 On-Peak 2x16 Off-Peak 5x8 Off-Peak 7x8 Off-Peak 2x24 Off-Peak 5x8 + 2x24NoSchedule DateContains the specific date for which the following contract MW information will be applied. Not applicable for any FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION contracts. Total length cannot exceed 10 characters and it includes 3 decimal places.YesProfile IntervalContains the ending hour corresponding to the MW amount below Numeric from 1-24 (daylight-saving extra hour = 2*)YesMW AmountContains the schedule MW amount Total length cannot exceed 10 characters and it includes 3 decimal places.YesAssetIDAsset Id associated with an contract: Export numeric identifier of a Market System Generating Unit Import alpha-numeric identifier of an external AssetImport Maximum length is 50 characters and free form Export Maximum length is 9 characters.Yes for Exports Yes for Imports with Transaction Type = "U"TransactionTypeContains the Transaction Type choice for contracts. Can be either "U" or "C" for imports. Can only be "U" for exports."U" - for Unit Transaction Type "C" - for Control Area Transaction Type (imports only)YesEFORdThis field will contain the external Unit/Control Area EFORd value for imports.Total length cannot exceed 7 characters and it includes 4 decimal places.No for Exports Yes for Imports Supplementing Resource IDNumeric identifier of the Supplementing Resource ID associated with a FCM_SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY contractMaximum length is 9 characters.YesSupplemented Resource IDNumeric identifier of the Supplemented Resource ID associated with an FCM _SUPPLEMENTAL contractMaximum length is 9 characters.Yes XML Schedule Profile Upload File Format Definitions Submit_Schedules XML TagDescriptionFormatRequiredContract IDNumeric Identifier of the contract for which this scheduled is to entered. This Identifier was generated when the contract was entered into the Market System.Maximum length is 9 characters.YesContract CategoryWill contain one of the following: ENERGY_DA Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Day Ahead Market , ENERGY_RT Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Real Time Market, REGULATION_RT Internal Bilateral contract for Regulation Market, LOAD_RT Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Real Time Load FR_TMNSR Internal Bilateral contract for Ten-Minute Non-Spinning Reserve in the Forward Reserve Market FR_TMOR Internal Bilateral contract for Thirty-Minute Operating Reserve in the Forward Reserve Market FCM _LOAD_OBLIGATION Internal Bilateral contract for FCM FCM _SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY Internal Bilateral contract for FCM Contracts of the following categories may not be included in a Submit_Schedules Upload File: FCM_PERFORMANCE_SCORE Performance Score Bilateral contract for Forward Capacity MarketN/A YesSeller Contains the numeric identifier of the customer who is supplying market service through a Contract. For all Contract categories, an Internal Contract it must be a Participant.Maximum length is 9 characters.YesBuyerContains the numeric identifier of the customer who is receiving market service through a Contract. For all Contract categories, an Internal Contract it must be a Participant.Maximum length is 9 characters.YesSchedule DateContains the specific date for which the following contract MW information will be applied. Not applicable for FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION contractsMM/DD/YYYY YesProfile IntervalContains the ending hour corresponding to the MW amount below for an hourly market contract. For FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION this contains the month corresponding to the MW below. Hourly Numeric from 1 24 (daylight-saving extra hour = 2*); Monthly Numeric from 1-12YesMW AmountContains the schedule MW amount Total length cannot exceed 10 characters and it includes 3 decimal places.Yes XML Contract Termination Upload File Format Definitions Terminate_Contracts XML TagDescriptionFormatRequiredContract IDNumeric Identifier of the contract to be terminated. This Identifier was generated when contract was entered into the Market System.Maximum length is 9 characters.YesContract CategoryWill contain one of the following: ENERGY_DA Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Day Ahead Market , ENERGY_RT Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Real Time Market, REGULATION_RT Internal Bilateral contract for Regulation Market, LOAD_RT Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Real Time Load FR_TMNSR Internal Bilateral contract for Ten-Minute Non-Spinning Reserve in the Locational Forward Reserve Market FR_TMOR Internal Bilateral contract for Thirty-Minute Operating Reserve in the Locational Forward Reserve Market FCM _LOAD_OBLIGATION Internal Bilateral contract for FCM FCM _SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY Supplemental Availability Bilateral contract for FCM Contracts of the following categories may not be included in a Terminate_Contracts Upload File: FCM_PERFORMANCE_SCORE Performance Score Bilateral contract for Forward Capacity MarketN/A YesSeller Contains the numeric identifier of the customer supplying the Market Service for the contract that is to be terminated. For all Contract categories, it must be a Participant.For an Internal Contract it can be a Participant or Non-Participant.Maximum length is 9 characters.YesBuyerContains the numeric identifier of the customer receiving the Market Service for the contract that is to be terminated. For all Contract categories, it must be a Participant.For an Internal Contract it can be a Participant or Non-Participant.Maximum length is 9 characters.YesTermination DateContains the date on which the contract will be terminated. This date must fall within the start and stop dates of the contract. This hour is the first hour of contract inactivity. MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS (daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) Yes     ISO-NE Internal Use Page  PAGE 5 of  NUMPAGES 5 ISO-NE Internal Use  FILENAME \* MERGEFORMAT Internal Contract file upload formats ISO-NE Internal Use  SAVEDATE \* MERGEFORMAT 6/28/2017 11:04:00 AM6/19/2017 12:46:00 PM8/5/2016 3:09:00 PM Page  PAGE 10 of  NUMPAGES 10  FILENAME \* MERGEFORMAT Internal Contract file upload formats ISO-NE Internal Use  SAVEDATE \* MERGEFORMAT 6/28/2017 11:04:00 AM6/19/2017 12:46:00 PM8/5/2016 3:09:00 PM Page  PAGE 16 of  NUMPAGES 16  FILENAME \* MERGEFORMAT Internal Contract file upload formats.doc ISO-NE Internal Use  DATE \@ "M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss am/pm" 3/28/2018 9:12:07 AM6/28/2017 10:57:39 AM6/7/2017 10:20:14 PM Page  PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 25 of  NUMPAGES \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 25  FILENAME \* MERGEFORMAT Internal Contract file upload formats ISO-NE Internal Use  SAVEDATE \* MERGEFORMAT 6/28/2017 11:04:00 AM6/19/2017 12:46:00 PM8/5/2016 3:09:00 PM Page  PAGE 26 of  NUMPAGES 26 &6QRS\] ; < B   { | ſyh^h OJQJ^J!hCB*CJOJQJ\]phhCB*CJOJQJph hC\]hChCCJOJQJhCCJOJQJ\]hCCJOJQJ\]hC56CJ h&0J- h&CJ h4Rh&CJ \ h&CJ \h&h&CJ aJ h)-th&h&jh&UmHnHu"6STUVWXYZ[\ $$@&Ifa$$@&a$,>]>gd&,gd&gd&ynfn$@&If $$@&Ifa$kd$$IflFX $06    4 la ynhn$If $$@&Ifa$kd$$IflFX $06    4 la 1 ; ynfn$@&If $$@&Ifa$kd&$$IflFX $06    4 la; < B ynfn$@&If $$@&Ifa$kd$$IflFX $06    4 la  ynfn$@&If $$@&Ifa$kdL$$IflFX $06    4 la  p { ynfn$@&If $$@&Ifa$kd$$IflFX $06    4 la{ | ynfn$@&If $$@&Ifa$kdr$$IflFX $06    4 la * , - / 5 6 = > ` a k l m n   > ? 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