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Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT)Notes:Effective DateOATT Schedule 16*Pool Transmission Facilities (PTF) Rate Schedule 9 Schedule 8 Schedule 12013 $/kW-year $/kVAR-year20149Appendix A - Blackstart Service Rates are available here. 4 1.12860 $/kW-year 2,3  $/kW-year 5 2Schedule 1 RNS Rates appear on the MIS Reports as $/kW-month; 7 decimal places. To convert to the MIS Report value, divide Schedule 1 annual rate, $/kW-year, by 12. 3Schedule 1 TOUT Rates appear on the MIS Reports as $/MWh; 7 decimal places. To convert to the MIS Report value; divide Schedule 1 annual rate, $/kW-year, by 8760 times 1000. 5Schedule 9 RNS Rates appear on the MIS Reports as $/kW-month; 7 decimal places. To convert to the MIS Report value; divide Schedule 9 RNS $/kW-year rate by 12. 4Schedule 8 TOUT Rates appear on the MIS Reports as $/MWh; 7 decimal places. To convert to the MIS Report value; either multiple Schedule 8 $/kWh rate by 1000, or divide the Pool PTF Rate by 8760 times 1000. Through or Out Service (TOUT)1 $/kWh 4X1Exceptions to Payment for TOUT Service are stated in ISO-NE INC. Transmission, Markets & Services Tariff, Section II.25.3. The TOUT Rate shall be reduced to zero for any Through or Out Service transaction that goes through or out of the New England Control Area and has the New England/New York Control Area boundary as its Point of Delivery. 5} 201520176On January 31, 2017, FERC issued an Order in Docket No. ER16-1023 accepting the Settlement Agreement which addresses Eversource Service's recovery of certain costs incurred in connection with the 2012 merger of NSTAR and Northeast Utilities. 20166N/A7 As a result of New England Transmission Owners Settlement Agreement (ER-20-2054-001) approved by FERC, there is no longer a separate revenue requirement for Pre-97 / Post-96 assets. There will be a single revenue requirement and a single rate for Schedule 9 RNS.Regional Network Service (RNS)7)Pre 1997 Regional Network Service (RNS)7()Post 1996 Regional Network Service (RNS)7(1-7 See 'Notes' at end of table 2R S\TTSXv[=ccB T8 Q_nt:w  dMbP?_*+%@=&L &A; Revised: 06/15/2019&C ISO-NE PUBLIC&RPage &P of &N &?'?(?)?MC odXXLetter"HXX333333?333333?&<3U} $G}  M}  O} G} G}  GQHH JKIKJ@J@JFJ@ J@ J@ J@ J@ J@J@J@ J@ J@ J@ J@  @ @ w@ +@ :J h@ @ @ J@ J@ J@ J@  u W W    , X  l* m+ ) t  Y Y! U k k k q |bFx ?bVm5? D8"xwg-@~_dN@ ~'~+j0 R@ r }cCiq ?ciD?  D8":dw?0@UD>Q@ 'MU@ g {bTW>`?b7? L8"ej+0@o6!]R@ ~'~+ڑV@ GGGGG h a%7[?a?fxqZ0@p|R@ 'G0V@ i   cͪU? c谷k? d?0@ nKqQ@ ' 5l/U@ j#  vgп? v{+6N? wXЕ1@ = ףpGT@ ' HmX@ j&  vy@ٔ+? v<nV?  wh?-1@ %XU@ ' ?mZ@ j$  v}iƢ? vA|),?  wp>?L1@  >W@ ' vN[@ ~ j@  vղHh? vS*щ?  w',0@ ^)vW@ ' ek[@ ~ j@ v{~?v({8+?w:Tn-@ղHNX@ '2ZGU[@ ~ j@ v?W[?vPtY8?  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The TOUT Rate shall be reduced to zero for any Through or Out Service transaction that goes through or out of the New England ContryK http://www.iso-ne.com/static-assets/documents/regulatory/tariff/sect_2/oatt/sect_ii.pdfyX;H,]ą'cpage=47ggDggh/h   T8 b  dMbP?_*+%+(&L &A&C ISO-NE PUBLIC&RPage &P of &N &?'?(?)?MZ odXLetter"UXX333333?333333?&<3U} G} H} C}  G:H ,zGIK;@ ;@;@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@@@@   y y  ^ ^ U ] Y Y~ Tp@ VS [?~ Z|@~ Qt@ V[# ? ~ Qx@ V s~ Q|@ VssM?~ Q@ Vs1%e?~ Q@ V sm? ~ Q@ V ss? ~ @ V 9#? ~ @ V ~!<ڸ? ~ R@ \ XL~? ~ R@ \%䃞?` HGGG,|**8<<488888888  (  R  C ]F! d ZR  C ]F! d ZR  C ]F! d ZR  C ]F! d >@dA  "4yK here yK http://www.iso-ne.com/isoexpress/web/reports/billing/-/tree/schedule-16---blackstart-standard-rate-reportyX;H,]ą'cggDggh'h Oh+'0@HT` x Microsoft Excel@fS@?S ՜.+,D՜.+,HHP X`hp x  OATT Schedule 1, 8 and 9OATT Schedule 2 & 16&'OATT Schedule 1, 8 and 9'!Print_Area"'OATT Schedule 2 & 16'!Print_Area  Worksheets Named RangesD 8@ _PID_HLINKSA Xhttp://www.iso-ne.com/static-assets/documents/regulatory/tariff/sect_2/oatt/sect_ii.pdfpage=47 Kjhttp://www.iso-ne.com/isoexpress/web/reports/billing/-/tree/schedule-16---blackstart-standard-rate-report  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFHIJKLMNPQRSTUVRoot Entry FWorkbookՍSummaryInformation(GDocumentSummaryInformation8O