ࡱ> FHEk Cbjbj:: 4 XubXubb+DD  8"6,2b: 1111111$25|1 11""" X' " 1""R&R'F .q |''1028'17u!174R'17R'8 " 11" 2 17 DB : [Letterhead] [Date] NEPOOL Participants Committee c/o Sebastian M. Lombardi, Secretary Day Pitney LLP  HYPERLINK "mailto:slombardi@daypitney.com" slombardi@daypitney.com . c/o Participant Support & Solutions  HYPERLINK "mailto:askiso@iso-ne.com" askiso@iso-ne.com RE: [Participant Name] Notice of Intent to Terminate NEPOOL Membership and Market Participant Status Please accept this letter as notice of termination of [Participant Name]s ([Abbreviation for Participant Name]s) NEPOOL membership and the Market Participant Service Agreement by and between [Participant Name Abbreviation] and (the MPSA). [Participant Name Abbreviation] requests that the termination of its status as a NEPOOL Participant and the termination of the MPSA be made effective as of [first month following date of request] 1, 2023, and further requests, if and to the extent necessary, that the NEPOOL Participants Committee waive the sixty days notice of termination of membership requirement set forth in Section 16.1(a) of the Second Restated NEPOOL Agreement. [Participant Name Abbreviation] understands that this termination of NEPOOL membership must be accepted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and that, until such time as it is accepted, [Participant Name Abbreviation] will continue to have the full rights and obligations of other Participants under the Second Restated NEPOOL Agreement. [Participant Name Abbreviation] further understands that termination of the MPSA and the termination of [Participant Name Abbreviation]s status as a NEPOOL member does not affect any obligation of, or to, [Participant Name Abbreviation] arising prior to the effective date of such termination under the Second Restated NEPOOL Agreement, the Participants Agreement, or the Tariff. In particular, [Participant Name Abbreviation] hereby acknowledges its obligation to pay all of its NEPOOL and . expenses incurred while a NEPOOL member and participant in the New England Markets. If you have any questions I can be reached at [ ]. Sincerely, [Full Name] [Title] cc: Patrick M. Gerity, Esq., HYPERLINK "mailto:pmgerity@daypitney.com"pmgerity@daypitney.com  The MPSA with [Participant Name Abbreviation] is reported by as MPSA No. [ ].     -  PAGE 2 -  9Zij  # $ % ' c d qr !%&~hGujh0lUh0lhGu0J3CJaJjhGuCJUaJh;N)CJaJjhGu0JCJUaJh`h`CJaJhYh`0J3CJaJh`CJaJjh`CJUaJh2CJaJhGuCJaJhGu5CJaJ/ & ' R 5@}}}t *$`0*$^`0Qkd$$Ifl0H$ t644 la !x$Ifgd2 !$Ifgd2!^$*$a$ @T "#$%&56 $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$$IfZ`Z ^`&()/0124?@ABChGuCJaJh0l hGuCJhGuhGu0J/mHnHujhGu0J/U hGu0J/ 6789:$If$Ifdkd<$$Ifl4qFN $ `N `N     44 laf4:;<=>$If$Ifdkd$$Ifl4qFN $ N N     44 laf4>?@ABCZ`Zdkd$$Ifl4pFN $ N N     44 laf42 0 0&P/ =!"#$% :$$If!vh#v:V l t65X$$If!vh#v #vN :V l4q++5 5N af4X$$If!vh#v #vN :V l4q++5 5N af4X$$If!vh#v #vN :V l4p++5 5N af45s666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662&6FVfv2(&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@_HmH nH sH tH <`< NormalCJ_HmH sH tH DA`D Default Paragraph FontRi@R 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List JJ DocX97Comment56B*CJph88 B Body 2,b2d00 B Body,b@O"@ B First Ind,fi `H2H B First Ind 2,fi2 d`:B: B Block,k]^BRB B Block 2,k2d]^DbD B Block 3,k3]^`8r8 B Indent,i ^@@ B Indent 2,i2 d^BB B Indent 3,i3^`4 @4 Footer !8O8FPathCJ hmHnHu>@>  Footnote Text `@&`@ Footnote ReferenceH*>* > Endnote ReferenceH*HH Sig Caption,c$$HL"L Heading 1 L,h1 $$h@&5;FO"F Heading 2 L,h2!$$h@&N"N Heading 3 C,h3"$$h@&a$5;H"H Heading 4 C,h4#$$h@&a$N"N Heading 5 R,h5$$$h@&a$5;H"H Heading 6 R,h6%$$h@&a$<+b<  Endnote Text &`HrH B Hanging Ind,hi'^p`<< Sig Line,l ($NN B Hanging Ind 2,hi2)^`BB Sig Name,n*$$DD Endnote TextMore +`ZZ Footnote TextMore,x1$^`CJ&& ParaNum44 Header .!.)@. 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