"C","Projected Share - Installed Capacity Requirement Report" "C","SP_PROJECTEDSHAREICR_000000005_2010060100_20110801115354.CSV" "C","LSE2" "C","Date: 06/01/2010 and Version: 08/01/2011 11:53:54 GMT" "H","Capacity Zone ID","Capacity Zone Name","Capacity Zone Projected ICR","Customer Share of Capacity Zone Projected ICR","Capacity Zone Peak Contributions" "H","Number","String","MW","MW","MW" "D",2001,"Connecticut",1000,0,650 "D",2002,"Rest-of-Pool",2000,101.744,1400 "D",2003,"Maine",3000,440.273,1650 "H","Asset ID","Asset Name","Asset Type","Capacity Zone ID","Capacity Zone Name","Peak Contribution MW","Ownership Share","Customer Share of Peak Contribution MW" "H","Number","String","String","Number","String","MW","%","MW" "D",201,"Metered Load at Domain 502","LOAD",2002,"Rest-of-Pool",-250,70,-175 "D",291,"Unmetered Load at Domain 504","LOAD",2003,"Maine",-250,100,-250 "D",291,"Unmetered Load at Domain 504","LOAD",2003,"Maine",-86,100,-86 "T","6 lines" "T","The Capacity Zone Projected ICR values are for determining the total quantity of capacity that a load serving entity may designate for self-supply only " "T","and calculated pursuant to ISO-NE Market Rules and Manuals. The Capacity Zone Projected ICR values shown in this report are based on preliminary ICR " "T","values for the subject Capacity Commitment Period and will not necessarily be the same as those used when determining a Market Participant's actual " "T","capacity requirements during the Capacity Commitment Period."