"C","NCPC Posturing-Generator" "C","SS_NCPCPG_000000001_2008042300_20090121161425.CSV" "C","Customer 1" "C","Date: 04/23/2008 and Version: 01/21/2009 16:14:25 GMT" "H","Trading Date","Trading Interval","DUNS Number","DUNS Name","Asset ID","Asset Name","Location ID","Location Name","Calculation Description","Rate","Quantity","Total Asset Dollars","Allocation Share","Customer Dollars","Comments" "H","Date","Hour End","String","String","Number","String","Number","String","String","$","MW","$","%","$","String" "D","04/23/2008","16","","",1,"Asset 1",,"","[(118.19 x 250) - (26420)] - [(118.19 x 0) - (0)] - 0",,,3127.5,100,3127.5,"" "D","04/23/2008","16","","",2,"Asset 2",,"","[ (117.3 x 250) - (28920)] - [(117.3 x 188.936) - (21786.58)] - 0",,,29.38,100,29.38,"" "D","04/23/2008","17","","",3,"Asset 3",,"","[ (285.1 x 250) - (31420)] - [(285.1 x 0) - (0)] - 0",,,39855,100,39855,"" "D","04/23/2008","17","","",1,"Asset 1",,"","[ (285.1 x 250) - (6502.91)] - [(285.1 x 0) - (0)] - 0",,,64772.09,100,64772.09,"" "D","04/23/2008","17","","",2,"Asset 2",,"","[ (284.99 x 61.93) - (7122.24)] - [(284.99 x 0) - (0)] - 0",,,10527.91,100,10527.91,"" "D","04/23/2008","17","","",4,"Asset 4",,"","[ (284.88 x 250) - (38920)] - [(284.88 x 11.794) - (1828.07)] - 0",,,30768.2,100,30768.2,"" "D","04/23/2008","18","","",3,"Asset 3",,"","[ (149.56 x 61.93) - (7741.56)] - [(149.56 x 0) - (0)] - 0",,,1521.06,100,1521.06,"" "D","04/23/2008","18","","",1,"Asset 1",,"","[ (149.56 x 250) - (0)] - [(149.56 x 0) - (0)] - 0",,,37390,100,37390,"" "D","04/23/2008","20","","",1,"Asset 1",,"","[ (115.72 x 250) - (0)] - [(115.72 x 76.081) - (7988.51)] - 0)",,,28114.41,100,28114.41,"" "D","04/23/2008","20","","",2,"Asset 2",,"","[ (115.75 x 0) - (0)] - [(115.75 x 27.326) - (3142.49)] - 0",,,-20.49,100,-20.49,"" "D","04/23/2008","21","","",1,"Asset 1",,"","[ (172.82 x 233.33) - (0)] - [(172.82 x 174.222) - (18337.53)] - 0",,,28553.1,100,28553.1,"" "D","04/23/2008","21","","",2,"Asset 2",,"","[ (172.3 x 0) - (0)] - [(172.3 x 173.043) - (19942.99)] - 0",,,0,100,0,"VAR settlement of $-9872.32 will appear on monthly bill" "D","04/23/2008","21","","",4,"Asset 4",,"","[ (172.78 x 164.17) - (9599.54)] - [(172.78 x 0) - (0)] - 0",,,18765.24,100,18765.24,"" "D","04/23/2008","22","","",1,"Asset 1",,"","[ (118.93 x 147.5) - (0)] - [(118.93 x 12.768) - (1340.64)] - 0",,,17364.32,100,17364.32,"" "D","04/23/2008","22","","",2,"Asset 2",,"","[ (118.89 x 0) - (0)] - [(118.89 x 14.709) - (1691.54)] - 0",,,0,100,0,"VAR settlement of $-57.22 will appear on monthly bill" "H","Trading Date","Trading Interval","DUNS Number","DUNS Name","Asset ID","Asset Name","Location ID","Location Name","Allocation Factor Description","Total Allocation Factor","Customer Allocation Factor","Total Dollars","Customer Dollars","Comments" "H","Date","Hour End","String","String","Number","String","Number","String","String","Number","Number","$","$","String" "D","04/23/2008","","","",,"",,"","RTLO per Appendix F",-351891.0672,-5556.036,-280767.72,-4433.06,"" "T","16 lines"