Access documents related to the Forward Capacity Market: Retain Resources for Fuel Security project.
To address near-term operational fuel-security risks presented by retirement bids, the ISO worked with its stakeholders to incorporate a fuel-security reliability review methodology into the Forward Capacity Market. This mechanism permits the ISO to retain fuel-secure resources that have indicated an intent to retire through the submission of a Retirement De-List Bid. The fuel-security retention mechanism is in place for three Forward Capacity Auction (FCA) cycles—FCAs 13, 14, and 15, which correspond to the June 2022 through May 2023 commitment period, the June 2023 through May 2024 commitment period, and the June 2024 through May 2025 commitment period for the Forward Capacity Market.
Pursuant to these fuel security retention rules, the ISO has entered into a Cost of Service Agreement with Constellation Mystic Power, LLC and Exelon Generation Company, LLC for the Mystic generating units 8 and 9. The agreement is in effect for two Forward Capacity Market commitment periods, starting June 1, 2022 and ending May 31, 2024.
Under the terms of the , the ISO will post information related to the administration of the Agreement and operation of the Mystic 8 and 9 units. The following information will be posted below and to OASIS.
The ISO provides other information and resources to help market participants understand the Agreement, related settlement calculations, and how to estimate future costs using the publicly available information, much of which can be found below. Read this in Ask ISO for a full listing and explanation of materials available related to Mystic Cost of Service background, settlement information, and cost estimating tools.
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The Forward Capacity Market: Retain Resources for Fuel Security Project is just one of several key projects at the ISO. The ISO continuously undertakes a variety of short- and long-term projects to enhance the region’s competitive wholesale electricity markets and ensure reliable operation of the power grid.