A surcharge added to the Through or Out Service rate for the expenses incurred by Participating Transmission Owner’s (PTO) in the provision of the Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service over the Pool Transmission Facilities (PTF). Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service is the service required to schedule at the regional level the movement of power through, out of, within, or into the New England Control Area.
Primary provisions for the settlement of OATT Schedule 1 TOUT Service are located in Schedule 1 of the 黑料网 Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT). Other sections of the OATT including, but not limited to, Section II.C of the OATT (Through or Out Service; MTF Service, OTF Service), are also applicable.
OATT Schedule 1 Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch payments are allocated pro-rata to the TOs based on their share of the Participating Transmission Owners Administrative Committee (PTO-AC) approved Revenue Requirement.
Transmission Customers who have requested TOUT Service from 黑料网 are charged. TOUT Service charges are incurred based on the MW of Reserved Transmission Capacity as submitted to the Open Access Same Time Information System (OASIS). OATT Schedule 1 Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch charges are based upon MW of Reserved Transmission Capacity for any customer that is taking TOUT Service at the PTO-AC approved rate ($/kW-hr) determined annually and effective June 1 through May 31.
The monthly bill contains a single line item netting charges and credits entitled “OATT Schedule 1 TOUT”.
For settlements post 10/1/2010:
TR_OATTSCH1TOUT Summarized in the monthly MIS Report issued one month in arrears of the settlement obligation month.
OATT Schedule 1 TOUT Calculation Summary
For settlements prior to 10/1/2010: See Retired Tariff Settlement Reports
BL_DAILYPOSITION Daily financial position including all market service settlements and miscellaneous billing adjustments generated on a daily basis; and, issued to all active customers registered as a Participant or Non-Participant.