Net Commitment-Period Compensation (NCPC) is the payment to a generator, demand-response resource (DRR), or dispatchable-asset-related demand (DARD) that did not recover its effective offer from the energy market during an operating day. The real-time NCPC payment is intended to make a generator, DRR, or DARD that follows the ISO’s operating instructions “no worse off” financially than the best alternative schedule. Typically, a resource receiving NCPC was operated out of merit to protect the overall resource adequacy and transmission security of specific locations or of the entire balancing authority area.
External Transaction—External transactions scheduled in the Real-Time Energy Market are eligible for NCPC evaluation. External transactions also scheduled in the Day-Ahead Energy Market are included in this evaluation if the transaction price was revised in real-time or if the real-time schedule is greater than the day-ahead cleared quantity. Coordinated external transactions (CETs) are not eligible for NCPC credit.
Cancelled Start—Payments for cancelled starts are evaluated for generators and DRRs that the ISO scheduled to run in real-time and then cancelled before the requested commitment time.
Hourly Shortfall—Payments for hourly shortfalls are evaluated when a generator, DRR, or DARD pool-scheduled in the Day-Ahead Energy Market has its commitment cancelled in real-time or is not dispatched and the resource is off line and available for operation.
Generator Posturing—Payments for generator posturing are evaluated for generators that respond to the ISO’s request to reduce or suspend normal economic operation.
DARD Posturing—Payments for DARD posturing are evaluated for DARD resources that increase consumption in response to the ISO’s request.
Dispatch Lost-Opportunity Cost (DLOC)—Payments for dispatch lost-opportunity costs are evaluated when a generator, DRR, or DARD is dispatched in real time below its economic dispatch point.
Rapid-Response Pricing-Opportunity Cost (RRPOC)—Payments for rapid-response pricing-opportunity costs are evaluated for generators, DRRs, or DARD that postured down when a rapid response resource sets the price.
Primary provisions for the settlement of real-time NCPC are included in Market Rule 1, Appendix F and Open Access Transmission Tariff, Schedule 2.
Market participants with an ownership share in a generator, DRR, DARD, or external transaction are paid a real-time NCPC credit.
Charges for real-time NCPC are based on NCPC categories, as follows, determined by the reason for the resource commitment:
Note: CETs are not eligible for NCPC credits or charges.
The allocation of market participant charges is based on real-time deviations.
The allocation of market participant charges is based on real-time load obligation for the applicable reliability region.
The allocation of market participant charges is based on network load and OASIS reservations.
Market participant charges are allocated pro rata to market participants on the basis of network load for the applicable reliability region.
Charges are allocated to market participants requesting the commitment or dispatch of the generator or DRR.
The allocation of charges to market participants is based on real-time load obligation, excluding real-time load obligation associated with DARD.
The allocation of charges to market participants is based on real-time load obligation, excluding real-time load obligation associated with DARD.
The allocation of charges to market participants is based on real-time generation obligation and demand-reduction obligation, excluding real-time generation and demand reduction that receives NCPC credit for Minimum Generation Emergency dispatch.
The allocation of charges to market participants is based on real-time load obligation, excluding real-time load obligation associated with DARD.
The allocation of charges to market participants is based on real-time load obligation, excluding real-time load obligation associated with DARD.
SS_NCPCDFA—Summary of a Participant’s hourly calculation of a generator’s real-time NCPC credit adjustment for a dual fuel audit that was performed during a day-ahead cleared commitment or summary of a participant’s allocation of the daily charge, issued upon settlement of market day.
For information on bid-block or bid-slope supply offer methods for the NCPC calculations, please see the FAQs.
BL_DAILYPOSITION—Daily financial position, including all market service settlements and miscellaneous billing adjustments, generated daily and issued to all active customers
SD_RTNCPCPYMTHR—Hourly detail of a participant’s generator NCPC credits, issued upon settlement of the market day, including a summary of payments by settlement period, start-up amortization determination, a summary of NCPC commitment and NCPC dispatch credits by hour and credit type for generators, and hourly detail on external transaction NCPC credits
SD_RTNCPCDARDPYMTHR—Summary of a participant’s DARD NCPC credits, issued upon settlement of the market day, including a summary of payments by settlement period and a summary of NCPC commitment and NCPC dispatch credit by hour and credit type
SD_RTNCPCDRRPYMTHR—Summary of a participant’s DRR NCPC credits, issued upon settlement of the market day, including a summary of payments by settlement period, interruption-cost-amortization determination, and a summary of NCPC commitment and NCPC dispatch credit by hour and credit type
SD_RTNCPCPYMT5MIN—Five-minute detail of a participant’s generator NCPC credits, issued upon settlement of the market day
SD_RTNCPCDARDPYMT5MIN—Five-minute detail of a participant’s DARD NCPC credits, issued upon settlement of the market day
SD_RTNCPCDRRPYMT5MIN—Five-minute detail of a participant’s DRR NCPC credits, issued upon settlement of the market day
SD_RTNCPCGEN5MIN—Five-minute detail of a participant’s generating asset operating data, issued upon settlement of the market day
SD_RTNCPCDARD5MIN—Five-minute detail of a participant’s DARD operating data, issued upon settlement of the market day
SD_RTNCPCDRR5MIN—Five-minute detail of a participant’s DRR operating data, issued upon settlement of the market day
SD_RTNCPCCS—Detail of a participant’s daily real-time cancelled-start NCPC credits, issued upon settlement of the market day
SD_RTNCPCDRRCS—Detail of a DRR’s daily real-time cancelled-start NCPC credits, issued upon settlement of the market day
SD_RTNCPCHS—Detail of a participant’s daily real-time hourly shortfall NCPC credits, issued upon settlement of the market day
SD_RTNCPCHSDARD—Detail of a participant’s daily real-time DARD hourly shortfall NCPC credits, issued upon settlement of the market day
SD_RTNCPCHSDRR—Detail of a participant’s daily real-time DRR hourly shortfall NCPC credits, issued upon settlement of the market day
SD_RTNCPCPOSTGEN—Detail of a participant’s hourly real-time generator posturing NCPC credits, issued upon settlement of the market day
SD_RTNCPCDLOC—Detail of a participant’s five-minute real-time generator DLOC NCPC credits, issued upon settlement of the market day
SD_RTNCPCDDLOC—Detail of a participant’s five-minute real-time DARD DLOC NCPC credits, issued upon settlement of the market day
SD_RTNCPCDRRDLOC—Detail of a participant’s five-minute real-time DRR DLOC NCPC credits, issued upon settlement of the market day
SR_RTNCPCSTLMNTSUM—Summary of a participant’s daily real-time NCPC credits and charges, issued upon settlement of the market day
Real-Time NCPC is reported on the SP_EQR report, available monthly one month after the given settlement, as referenced in the line item prefaced with the title “NCPC – Real Time” or “Dual Fuel Audit NCPC Adjustment” in ISO-NE Settlements to FERC EQR Product Mapping.