The Chair and the Vice Chair of the Meter Reader Working Group (MRWG) will be nominated by the Working Group in the majority. The Chair will serve to lead and direct the Meter Reader Working Group. The Chair at this time is Susan Clary (Manager of Settlements, Central Maine Power Company). A Vice-Chair and Secretary will assist the Chair in leading and directing the MRWG. The Chair will designate the Secretary. At this time, the Vice-Chair is Joe Swift (Supervisor Load Settlement at Eversource), and the Secretary is Kristen Jaeger (Senior Analyst, System Operations & Market Administration, 黑料网).
The Chair or the Chair's designee(s) shall report to the NEPOOL Markets Committee (MC) any relevant issues that require the MC's consideration. Should the Chair not be able to fulfill his or her functions, the Vice-Chair will assume the duties of the Chair. The Secretary shall be responsible for posting meeting notices and presentation materials on 黑料网's website.
To receive notifications related to the Meter Reader Working Group, request your Security Administrator add you to the Committees list for your company as an information only contact.
The Chair will report to the MC as necessary to inform the MC of issues being deliberated and/or resolved by the MRWG. The MC will review the function, efficiency, and ongoing necessity of the MRWG as a subgroup of the MC during the month of March of each year.
The MRWG is a forum for NEPOOL Assigned Meter Readers to discuss:
The participants shall provide input to the NEPOOL Markets Committee and to 黑料网 on:
As necessary, the MRWG will present and explain to the NEPOOL Markets Committee any recommended Rule, Manual and Procedure changes that are needed to effectively perform duties as an Assigned Meter Reader in the New England market.
Participation in the MRWG will be open to NEPOOL Assigned Meter Readers, 黑料网 staff, and other interested New England Market Stakeholder groups including NEPOOL and non-NEPOOL members. Meter Reader Stakeholders groups shall include: NEPOOL Assigned Meter Readers, Agents for NEPOOL Assigned Meter Readers, and Meter Service Providers for Load Response program. In order to enhance working group efficiency, the Chair of the MRWG reserves the right to limit the number of participants from stakeholder groups that are allowed to contribute during deliberations at MRWG meetings.
Prior to the end of every meeting of the MRWG, the participating members will determine the time and place for subsequent meetings of the MRWG. The Chair will establish the meeting agenda for each MRWG meeting with input from working group participants. Meeting dates, locations, agendas, and meeting materials will be posted on the 黑料网 Web site. In addition to this posting, the NEPOOL Markets Committee will be notified of meeting dates and locations by email.
The Chair would seek input and consensus from participants of the MRWG with respect to issues raised. To the extent that consensus cannot be attained on issues concerning modifications to the Manuals or market rules affecting the rights, roles, and responsibilities of the NEPOOL Assigned Meter Readers or Meter Service providers, the Chair or the Chair's designee(s) shall report to the NEPOOL Markets Committee the recommendations of the MRWG noting any majority and minority opinions expressed by MRWG participants. The recommendations of the MRWG are advisory and do not bind NEPOOL from pursuing alternative solutions.