Retired Reports
In this section

- Preliminary Hourly Regulation Clearing Prices
- Final Hourly Regulation Clearing Prices
- Preliminary Real-Time 15-Minute LMPs
- Final Real-Time 15-Minute LMPs
- Final Real-Time Binding Constraints
- Day-Ahead Load Response Offers
- Daily Offer Threshold Price
- FCM Hourly Weighting Factor
- Forward Reserve Market Threshold Price Report
- Load Response Minimum Offer Price
- Tariff Settlement Reports
- FCM Monthly Peak Energy Rent
- Schedule 16 - Black Start Settlement Supporting Reports
- Cleared Transitional Demand Response in the Day-Ahead Market
- FCM Hourly Peak Energy Rent
- Transitional Demand Response Offers
Related Links

Preliminary Real-Time 15-Minute LMPs
Download the archive of preliminary locational marginal prices (LMPs) for each 15-minute interval of the operating day. The time listed in each row indicates the start of the interval; for example, 9:15 indicates the period from 9:15–9:29. LMPs are presented for the Roseton node. Prices are broken into their various cost components: energy, congestion, and losses.
This report was retired in March 2017.