Forward Capacity Market (FCM) participants should become familiar with the ISO’s market settlement and billing processes. Please review the following information and resources:
- Billing Process Summary—a brief introduction to the billing process for new customers and a guide to available settlement-related resources, including timelines, metering and billing schedules, and other settlement documents
- Understanding the Bill—detailed guidance on billable line items and report samples, as well as additional information to help reconcile billing statements
- Metering and Resettlement Deadlines—calendar deadlines for submitting meter and contract data for market resettlements for the ISO’s data-reconciliation process and meter data error requested billing adjustments
- FCM Annual System Peak Day, Hour, and Load—a report on annual system peak day, hour, and load used in establishing a load asset's contribution to the system peak for the FCM
- Capacity-Scarcity Condition Report—a report published only for those operating days during which at least one capacity scarcity condition was triggered
- FCM Preliminary Capacity-Performance Score Report—a report published on completion of the energy and reserve market settlements for the day(s) affected by the capacity scarcity condition, which will contain the relevant components of the balancing ratio calculation for the control area or capacity zone, depending on the event type
- FCM Final Capacity Performance Score Report—a report published with the applicable FCM settlement for the month containing the capacity scarcity condition, which will contain the relevant components of the balancing ratio calculation for the control area or capacity zone for the entire month
- Settlements Training Materials—presentations and training modules about market settlement and billing
- Quarterly Settlements Forum—黑料网’s quarterly web conferences on settlements topics, including information on any upcoming changes to settlements and billing
Also, before the settlement month, the ISO reviews capacity supply obligations backed by an import capacity resource to identify any discrepancies. For this process, 黑料网 coordinates with the neighboring control area to determine that the import capacity supply obligation megawatts are available for the month. The ISO communicates any discrepancies or errors with the neighboring control area, the customer, and, if needed, the Internal Market Monitor. Currently 黑料网 only conducts this process with the New York ISO.