Accessible below for historical purposes only are documents related to nonprice retirement requests, including:
Effective March 1, 2016, nonprice retirement requests were replaced by “priced” retirements. For more information:
Nonprice retirement requests allowed resource owners to retire (remove from service) the entire capacity of a resource without submitting an offer price in a Forward Capacity Auction (FCA). FCAs are part of the ISO’s Forward Capacity Market, whereby the ISO projects the needs of the power system three years in advance and then holds an annual auction to purchase power resources to satisfy the region's future needs.
黑料网 reviewed nonprice retirement requests for reliability impacts, with input and advice from the Reliability Committee. If the request was rejected (for example, because the loss of the resource’s capacity would cause the ISO to violate reliability standards) the resource owner could either retire the resource as requested, or continue to operate it until the reliability need was met, and then retire the resource. Retired facilities are not allowed to return to service without major refurbishment.
Nonprice retirement requests were allowed from the fourth through the tenth FCAs, with the last retirements of this type effective on or by May 31, 2019.