For settlements prior to June 1, 2022, please refer to the Forward Capacity Market (FCM) Forfeited Financial Archived .
Forfeited financial assurance is the distribution or allocation of the loss of financial assurance one or more market participants provided for new generating capacity resources and new demand resources that cleared in a Forward Capacity Auction (FCA).
The forfeiture of financial assurance may occur if the ISO terminates a market participant's capacity supply obligation as a result of rules set forth in Market Rule 1, Section III.13.
It may also occur if a designated FCM market participant offering or awarded non-commercial capacity in any FCA is in default under the financial assurance policy or billing policy and does not cure such a default within the non-commercial capacity cure period.
The forfeited financial assurance allocation settlement information is part of the monthly bill.
Primary provisions for the forfeiture of financial assurance are included in, but not limited to, Market Rule 1, Section III.13 and the 黑料网 Financial Assurance Policy and Billing Policy.
On a monthly interval over the remaining capacity commitment period, forfeited financial assurance is allocated as a pro rata share of the total zonal capacity obligation megawatts to any market participant with a zonal capacity obligation in the capacity zone(s) where the capacity supply obligation was terminated.
There are no associated charges.
The monthly bill contains a single line item for credits associated with the allocation of forfeited financial assurance entitled "Forfeited Financial Assurance."
BL_DAILYPOSITION Daily financial position including all market service settlements and miscellaneous billing adjustments generated on a daily basis; and, issued to all active customers registered as a Participant or Non-participant
SD_FORFEITEDFA Summary of a market participant's allocation of forfeited financial assurance credits, issued after the conclusion of the settlement month
The commencement of allocating forfeited financial assurance is based on the availability of the associated funds at the ISO. There may be lag time between the time of actual forfeiture and the receipt of funds at the ISO.
FCM Financial Assurance Calculation Summary