Real-time energy is the balancing settlement for the quantity deviations from each participant’s Day-Ahead Energy Market obligations, as metered in the operating day. The participant’s real-time energy credits and charges are calculated by multiplying the net deviation at each location by the real-time locational marginal price (RT LMP) for that location for each five-minute settlement interval. The invoice amount to a participant is the net of the participant’s credits or charges, plus allocations of the marginal loss revenue and inadvertent energy credits or charges, for the billing period.
There are rare occasions when the RT LMP is not finalized in time to be used in the initial settlement. When this situation occurs, real-time energy settlement uses the most current available preliminary RT LMP. During the data reconciliation process, the settlement always reconciles using the final RT LMP.
Primary provisions for the settlement of the Real-Time Energy Market are included in, but not limited to, Market Rule 1 and 黑料网 Manual for Market Rule 1 Accounting Manual M-28.
Market participants with a real-time generation obligation will receive credits for this service based on the deviations in excess of their day-ahead cleared schedule. Market participants with real-time adjusted load obligations receive credits for consumption that is less than their day-ahead cleared schedule. The calculation for the credit is based on the deviation of the locational adjusted net interchange and the associated real-time locational marginal price.
Market participants with a real-time demand-reduction obligation in excess of their day-ahead demand-reduction obligation will receive credits. The calculation for the credit is based on the deviation of the locational demand reduction and the associated real-time locational marginal price.
Market participants with real-time adjusted load obligation in excess of their cleared day-ahead schedule will be charged for service. Market participants with real-time generation obligation that is less than their cleared day-ahead schedule will be charged for service. The calculation for the charge is based on deviations of the locational adjusted net interchange and the associated real-time locational marginal price.
Market participants with a real-time demand-reduction obligation less than their day-ahead demand-reduction obligation will be charged. The calculation for the charge is based on deviations of the locational demand reduction and the associated real-time locational marginal price.
Market participants with a real-time demand-reduction allocation (real-time load obligation, excluding real-time load obligation incurred at all external nodes and by dispatchable asset-related demand [DARD]) will be charged a pro rata share of the pool real-time demand-deduction credits.
The hourly services bill display contains a single line item netting charges and credits entitled “Real-Time Energy.”
BL_DAILYPOSITION—Daily financial position, including all market service settlements and miscellaneous billing adjustments generated daily, issued to all active customers registered as a participant or non participant
SD_RTTRANSACT—Hourly summary of a participant’s external transactions and internal bilateral transactions, issued upon settlement of the market day
SD_RTTRANSACT5MIN—Five-minute summary of a participant’s external transactions, issued upon settlement of the market day
SD_RTUNITASM—Hourly detail of a participant’s share of metered generation by asset, issued upon settlement of the market day
SD_RTASSET5MIN—Five-minute detail of energy quantity for a participant’s ownership shares in generation, load assets, or demand reduction issued upon settlement of the market day
SD_RTLOAD—Hourly detail of a participant’s share of load meter reading by asset, issued upon settlement of the market day
SD_RTDOMAIN—Hourly detail of all meter readings and domain unmetered load calculation per metering domain, issued upon settlement of the market day to participants responsible for metering domain reconciliation
SR_RTLOCSUM—Hourly summary of a participant’s real-time energy charges and credits by location, issued upon settlement of the market day
SR_RTLOCSUM5MIN—Five-minute summary of a participant’s real-time energy charges and credits by location, issued upon settlement of the market day
SR_RTCUSTSUM—Hourly summary of a participant’s real-time energy charges and credits, issued upon settlement of the market day
SR_RTCUSTSUM5MIN—Five-minute summary of a participant’s real-time energy charges and credits, issued upon settlement of the market day
Real-time energy is reported on the SP_EQR report, available monthly one month after the given settlement, as referenced in the line item ”Energy Real Time” in ISO-NE Settlements to FERC EQR Product Mapping.