ISO Schedule 3 Reliability Administration Service (RAS) is the service provided by 黑料网 to administer the Reliability Markets, and to provide other reliability and informational services.
Primary provisions for the settlement of the ISO Schedule 3 are included in the ISO Self-Funding Tariff.
ISO Schedule 3 payments are distributed to ISO-NE.
Under ISO Schedule 3 RAS, Market Participants are charged for Schedule 3 based on their Real-Time Non-Coincidental Peak (NCP) Load Obligations for the month. Market Participants who have Exports will be charged based on their MWh of exports in the month.
Under ISO Schedule 3 RAS, a Non-Market Participant Transmission Customer is charged for Schedule 3 based on its hourly reservations for Through or Out Service. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved rates for 黑料网 Schedule 3 are established each year effective January 1 through December 31 and are available in the ISO Self-Funding Tariff.
The monthly bill contains three line items netting charges and credits entitled "ISO Schedule 3 Peak", or "ISO Schedule 3 Exports" or "ISO Schedule 3 Non-Part TOUT".
BL_DAILYPOSITION Daily financial position including all market service settlements and miscellaneous billing adjustments generated on a daily basis; and, issued to all active customers registered as a Participant or Non-Participant.
TR_SCH3P1 Summarized in the monthly MIS Report issued one month in arrears of the settlement obligation month.
TR_SCH3P2 Summarized in the monthly MIS Report issued one month in arrears of the settlement obligation month.
ISO Schedule 3 Calculation Summary