If you are new to the ISO and interested in initiating market activity or ISO service, you must first register to become a participant. Follow the steps below, which will guide you through the registration process.
A. matching the company name listed on the application. A parent company’s D-U-N-S number will not be accepted.
B. Wire the application fee. Email the Billing Department at billingdept@iso-ne.com for instructions.
C. Complete or supply the necessary general documentation as follows:
If you will only be buying or trading Financial Transmission Rights (FTRs) and do not wish to become a member of NEPOOL, please also submit the following:
Mail documents to:
Attn: Participant Support and Solutions / Membership
One Sullivan Road
Holyoke, MA 01040-2841
D. Complete the Security Administrator Signatory Page. The Security Administrator (SA) will be the person authorized by your company to use the ISO’s Customer and Asset Management System (CAMS) to manage your company information and user rights, which allow user access to various online applications necessary for market activities. Mail the original signed and notarized document to the address provided in the form instructions.
E. Complete or supply the necessary tax documentation as follows.
Email or fax these to the ISO Billing Department:
(413) 535-4024 (fax)
The ISO is required to prepare a report concerning the financial viability of each applicant. The report will be provided to the Participants Committee or its designee and the applicant. Per the 黑料网 Financial Assurance Policy, the ISO has three weeks to complete the report from the time of receipt of all required documentation and financial assurance.
Please complete and deliver the following documentation no later than 10 business days before the market entry month:
Then, post the initial Financial Assurance deposit to your BlackRock account or provide an original Letter of Credit using an Approved Letter of Credit Bank no later than 5 business days before the market entry month.
Mail the completed originals to:
Attn: Market and Credit Risk Department
One Sullivan Road
Holyoke, MA 01040-2841
Questions about the financial assurance process?
FTR-only customers should skip to step 5.
Attend your NEPOOL membership review by teleconference. (What is NEPOOL? See FAQs: Membership.) You’ll receive a meeting invitation by email with call-in details from NEPOOL Counsel:
NEPOOL Counsel
Pat Gerity
(860) 275-0533
Upon receipt of your completed membership application and fee, your company will be added to the agenda for the next monthly NEPOOL Membership Subcommittee meeting. See the for this year’s application deadline and meeting dates.
FTR-only customers should skip to step 5.
Once approved by the NEPOOL Membership Subcommittee, the following documents will be emailed to you for completion:
Mail the completed originals to:
Attn: Participant Support and Solutions / Membership
One Sullivan Road
Holyoke, MA 01040-2841
To be activated as a new participant, you must submit your banking information into the Customer and Asset Management System (CAMS). The bank account you provide will be the account that the ISO will use to submit payments to your organization. This information is required for all applicants even if you do not anticipate payments to be made to your organization.
Upon receipt of your credit application, application fee, and the membership questionnaire, the primary billing contact listed on your New Customer Credit Application Form (see step 2 above):
Required actions vary by market activity or service: