Below, affected ISO customers can learn more about changes to systems or procedures related to the Coordinated Transaction Scheduling (CTS) Project. This project was one of several that 黑料网 has undertaken, in collaboration with stakeholders, for the continued development of the region’s wholesale electricity markets.
See Participant Readiness Project Outlook for more detail on specifically affected customers and systems for this and other major projects.
Project Implemented: 12/15/15
In 2011, stakeholders for New England and New York supported an enhanced scheduling process to improve the efficiency of electricity trades between the two regions. The Coordinated Transaction Scheduling (CTS) project addressed those improvements with a design to modify the real-time external transaction submittal and scheduling process using an updated version of the New York ISO’s Joint Energy Scheduling System (JESS), along with slight modifications to ISO-NE’s Enhanced Energy Scheduling (ESS) application. Participants affected by this change included New England and New York participants engaging in external transactions at the Roseton Interface and consumers of external transactions data. Several training and sandbox sessions were held to prepare participants for the changes related to the project.
Affected market participants were required to take specific steps or adapt to changes in ISO systems, as described below.
Please consider subscribing to Participant Readiness, Market Notices, Information Technology (IT) Notices, and MIS Report Issues to receive notices posted to the ISO calendar for future projects.
12/15/15 |
Market Information Server (MIS) report changes went into effect. See more under Technical Documentation below. |
Multiple sessions |
JESS sandbox |
The Joint Energy Scheduling System (JESS) sandbox hosted by NYISO was available for participant testing prior to project implementation. |
11/13/15 |
EES sandbox available |
The Enhanced Energy Scheduling application (ESS) sandbox was updated for changes related to the project and made available for participant testing prior to project implementation. The EES sandbox remains open indefintely. |
8/11/15 |
Customers needing JESS access were required to have the following in the Customer and Asset Management System (CAMS)
The ISO conducted online training and information sessions for affected customers to learn about changes and ask questions in advance of project implementation. Please consider subscribing to ISO Training to receive notices posted to the ISO calendar for future projects.
9/21/15 |
Coordinated Transaction Scheduling Overview Presentation |
7/27/15 |
Joint Energy Scheduling System Presentation |
June–December 2015 |
Quarterly Settlements Issues Forum (QSIF) |
Please also see the following frequently asked questions (FAQs):
The following documents were provided to market participants affected by the project for specific instructions on completing related tasks or processes and helpful answers to frequently asked questions.
DOCUMENT | NOTES (if necessary) |
As part of the project, MIS report descriptions, templates, and sample files were revised for the following reports.
The most recent version of each MIS report can be found on the MIS Report Descriptions, Template and Samples web page. |
Submitting External Transactions |
User guide for the Enhanced Energy Scheduling (EES) application updated for CTS:
EES upload download formats |
XML upload download format rules updated for submittal requirements specific to the CTS-enabled interface |
Webservices documentation |
New endpoint URLs will be available for hourly real-time locational marginal prices (RT LMP), five-minute RT LMP, and the 15-minute RT LMP at the Roseton interface. The new endpoint URLs will be listed on the ISO Web Services Business Documentation Spreadsheet found on the Web Services Data webpage under the Report Information section. |
Instructions to access the various applications required to wheel energy through, import energy into, or export energy out of the New England Balancing Authority Area via the Real-Time Energy Market. A link to the NYISO JESS user guide is provided. |
DOCUMENT | NOTES (if necessary) |
Added language in multiple sections associated with Coordinated Transaction Scheduling Project |
Attachment to the Open Access Transmission Tariff which includes the Coordination Agreement Between 黑料网. and the New York Independent System Operator, Inc. |
Updated to include external transactions submitted to JESS |
References updated to include enhanced scheduling and coordinated external transactions |
References for settlement treatment and intervals updated for coordinated external transactions |
See more on the Coordinated Transaction Scheduling Key Project page.